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When I first saw him, he captured me. His sunny smile to the way he looked. Who he was as a person. How caring he was to everyone and everything around him. From the first time we met; I knew we were meant to be. 

Louis Vuitton Fall-Winter 20?? (any year)


Months before


I heard a deep voice coming from behind me. There, standing before me was a man. His hair was a dark brown. It brought out his soft features on his face so much. Great in this line of business. His voice doesn't match his face so much but that's what makes him stand above the crowd. You wouldn't except his voice when you first see him, including with the thick Australian accent. It's like a whole package has been delivered.

"Hello, you're Felix of Stray Kids, right?"

"Yes, that's me." He gives a big smile. 

"Nice meeting you."

"Yes, me too. I was just checking in with everyone here, but you seem to be busy. I'll wish to meet you again."

He walks away and I stand in a trance. We wouldn't talk again. Our schedules never collided, and we never had time. We would see each other from across the room. When we gazed into each other's eyes, everyone was gone. 



Felix. It was Felix. He's back. Many people called my name, but it's different when he says it. He calls my name like no other.

"I couldn't wait to see you again. I saw your name on the list."

"I thought of you, too."



"I think of you a lot."

He takes my hand and places a brochure. 

"Come with me."


Lucerne, Switzerland

"This is a beautiful place. It's so pretty. Look at the waters." I run to the edge of the bridge. pointing to the water.

"The mountains make it even more gorgeous."

"I knew you would like it."

"Was there something you wanted to see here?" I asked. 

"Actually, yes."


"Oh no!"

We stood before the dying lion monument. 

"What's happening."

"It's a monument in dedication to the Swiss Guards that served and were massacred during the French Revolution", he said. 

"Why did you want to see this?"

"I thought that I was in Paris a lot and wanted to learn some historical things. When I first came across a picture of this lion. I had to see it in person."

"It's dying, without knowing what happen you can feel a change in the mood. It's really disheartening."
(You guys should really look up the lion monument and see what it looks like).


South Korea

"I always loved coming here. I love eating the chicken."

"Hey, hey, hey."

I open my mouth placing my hands on my head and shook my head.

"I like fried chicken too."

"Let's order a lot of different varieties."

"It's only right." He says as he leans in. 

When the food came, we shared what we couldn't eat. He started coughing at some point while eating. 

"It's spicy," as his eye twitches.

"Would you say it's too hot to handle?" I say smiling.

He rolled his eyes at me. "You're not funny," he says in a jokingly way.


I stayed overnight and my hair wasn't done. I had a loose ponytail and started flapping it around when I thought no one was there. To my surprise, Felix was walking up to me, and I had slapped him in the face with my hair. He started to walk back and tripped over himself. I turned around in my chair in concern.

"Felix, are you okay?"

He couldn't stop laughing. I noticed that one of his eyes were closed.


He shook his head. "Felix, oh my..." 

"I'm fine, Y/N. I just- that was a dumb reason for me to trip over myself."

I get up from my seat to help him. I hold onto his hand. When he bumped his head on the table and begins to laugh again.

"You should really just stay on the floor. Don't worry, I'll come to you."

He sits up and stares into my eyes. I couldn't help but continue to look away.


I stare back. He moves the hair from my face. Then, one of the boys opens their door.


In the end, he got busy in Korea, and I had to work on personal things. I left the country, but I'll see him some day. We talk over the phone and follow each other on SMS (socials). 


"Yes, just like that."
Hold your chin.
Turn your head a little to the right.
Go up.
That's a wrap."

I just got done with a photoshoot. I miss Felix. I wish I could see him more often. We haven't communicated in a while. I been a little scared of contacting first and then never getting a reply. I know he wouldn't do that but still.

"Y/N, someone is here for you."

"I'll come out. I'm just getting dressed."


"Felix, what are you doing here?"

"I was nearby and thought I'll come see you."

"I literally missed you so badly."

"I wanted to see you, too."

"Let me show you around my city."


Present day

He walked before me, so I got to see him start. When it was my time, I couldn't help but think of how he was here with me. That we're walking the runaway together. I saw him on the screen in the back. The way his eyes were lit, but he still portrayed his model face as if runaway was all he could imagine. 

I wanted to tell him how great he looked and how amazing he did after the show, but those weren't the words that came out of my mouth.

"I like you." I covered my mouth.

"You know I been meaning to ask for the longest, but would you like to make this relationship long-term?"

In a deep Felix voice I said, "yes."


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