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"One iced Americano, please."

"That will be 4,500 won."

He pays with card, and I retrieve the americano. He takes a seat at the exact same table he sat at yesterday. He has been coming into the shop almost every day now. Clearly, he can't survive without coffee.


The next day, he came again. Same order, but this time, with a muffin. He sat at the same table, just on his phone. I caught him taking glances at me. He doesn't stay too long, but he continuously comes back throughout the day. 


"Iced Americano?" I say to him.

He nods his head. I don't speak further, and he pays with card. I hand him the coffee. He stands there. He begins to open his mouth but stops. He turns and takes a few steps away, then turns completely back to me. 

"Hyunjin, my name is Hyunjin."

"Hyunjin... My name is Y/N."


"... thank you."

He turns around and leaves the cafe. That was his only time today.

Will he come tomorrow?


Hyunjin POV

I walk into the cafe. This time, I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to talk to them today. 

Before I could get any of my words together, they spoke for me.

"Iced Americano?"

I must order that a lot. I nodded my head 'yes' as they go in the back. They don't say anything after that. Do they not like me?

I have the americano in hand. What was I supposed to do again? Oh, right, SPEAK! Say something, please! I'm begging myself.

I turned around heading straight to the door.  Peace, I'm out. I'll do it another time, it's not the right moment. I'm so stupid. There'll never be a right moment.

"Hyunjin, my name is Hyunjin."

"Hyunjin... My name is Y/N."

When they spoke their name, it was so beautiful like swans gliding across a crystal lake.


"... thank you."

I'm too embarrassed to stay so, I'll leave. Especially after that pause.


I walked into the cafe to find them, only to discover that they're not here. Where were they? I guess I shouldn't expect to see them every day. What will I do, now? I don't even want coffee anymore. 

I turn around and begin to walk out the door. Lost in my mind, I bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry."



I forgot the jacket yesterday and was going back to the cafe to pick it up. I'm walking fast and on my phone texting someone back. I didn't see anyone in the doorway, but I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry."


He hadn't been to the cafe since revealing his name to me. So, it was a surprise to bump into him. Now, today, the day I have off.

A Part Of That [Stray Kids OT8 x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now