Seungmin (Alternative)

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"Haunted" by Saint Claire

"Can I tell you something?" Seungmin states.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"I feel like I'm not a good boyfriend."

"What do you mean? You're great."

"Of course, you're going to disagree. I know right now I can do better, but a part of me feels like I can't."

"Why is that? Do you not feel anything for me?"

"I like you, and I like being around you. It's just... I'm not sure right now."


I already didn't have the best health of my body, but this really did it. I'm sorry, Seungmin.


During dance practice, I injured myself. The group rushes towards me, Seungmin sliding onto his knees.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just made plenty of mistakes."

I get up and try to walk, but I can't. I end up back on the ground.

"We should get you to the hospital."

I demanded them to not pay attention to me. I'll do it myself. I didn't want the pity. It was already a nightmare when I felt the sharp pain long ago. The worst case for a dancer. It's a scary thought that no one wants. My world falling apart.

"I'll do it myself."


I'm sitting on the hospital bed. My foot had already been examined. I wait and wait whilst my phone continued to buzz. 

The doctor walked into the room with the results. I'm still sat with the sky-blue blanket across my legs. The doctor tries to speak but the buzz from my phone interrupts him. I look at him and give a polite nod before picking up my phone to shut off.

"What were you doing before you came to the hospital?"

"I was dancing. It's my profession."

"Have you had an injury before?"

"Yes, just a slight one. It wasn't too bad."

"How did that injury happen?"

"It was just a fall. This time, I think I just moved the wrong way." I say as I looked down swinging my other foot.

I looked up in concern, "It's not serious, right?"

"Well, it seems like from the previous injury and that wrong move you pulled. You ruptured your Achilles tendon. Your last injury wasn't treated properly which caused your tendon to rupture."

I'm lost for words. "So, what does this mean?"

"You will need surgery because it's a rupture. It'll be a long recovery. You'll probably be wearing a boot or be on crutches as you heal. You will need physical therapy after. You also have flat feet which are more prone to hurt your tendon. What would you do when your heel started hurting?"

"I iced it, but I haven't been doing hard core dances then."

"Might've been why you haven't come to check, but the quickest we can get you into surgery the better."

He leaves me in the room. I have some decisions to make.

"Everything is falling apart."


I did my surgery, days after from finding out. I haven't answered anyone from my company, friends, or Seungmin. I kept my phone off except for when I texted mom and told her what happened. I ignored every message that came through that wasn't my mother.

She came to stay by my side and to take me home. Mom, my home, doesn't reside in Seoul. I'll be far and losing the dream I had as a child when I first came to this city.

I couldn't dance anymore, so I packed my bags and left the city. I hadn't told anyone my condition, especially Seungmin. My career was finished. I couldn't stand to see those continue their passion even after getting injured. If only I hadn't been so careless. What do I do now?

Seungmin continued to message me despite me never replying back. I mean why should I when he basically wanted to break up with me before the injury. Why should he have to worry about me anymore? I didn't want him to come looking for me at the hospital, so I told him nothing. I didn't tell anyone in fear that he would ask them and find out.

. . .


"I can't do this anymore."

"Y/N? Where are you? You can't do what?"

"I'm not in Seoul anymore. I left and went home."

"Home? Where is home?"

"It's far from Seoul. Long story short, I was hurt and won't be able to dance anymore. I'll need time to recovery, and I decided to return home and heal with my family by my side.
Because of the distance, I don't want to hold on to you anymore. I can't stand to think that I'll be holding you back from missing someone else."

"I won't ask what happened in that practice room, but I do to have to come clean. I do like you, but I wasn't ready. I knew we were just two unfit people in a relationship. I didn't stop because I cared about you, and I wanted you to be happy. What I said and did with you I meant it and don't think twice about it. I want you to get better."

"I knew from the moment you said you didn't think you were a good boyfriend."

"I'm sorry."

"Goodbye, Seungmin. I know one day; you'll make a great partner."

Seungmin typing...


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