Bang Chan/Christopher

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I see a pair of legs approaching me as I look down at my phone. I look up to see the lovely face of Chan.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just seeing what you were doing."

"Same as you, I guess."

"Haha, I guess so... How have you been?"

"Fine, I guess."

"You guess?"


"Oh, well... I need you. I need you to come with me. You know, since I can't be alone, technically."

"Oh, alright. You want to go do something?"


I stand up and he takes my hand. He lets go when I can fully stand on my own. I follow him out the room and down the hall.


It's the end of a stage performance. We're carrying down the equipment. I'm struggling but I'm not. I can handle my own. Chan sees me and comes running to help. He tries taking it from me, but I refused.

"Chan, let go."

"Let me help you."

"I truly do not need help."

He was persistent and we would've been going at it for a while. So, I just let him have it. He carried it the rest of the way to the car. I stood there and watched him until he turned around and looked at me. I quickly looked away and walked off to finish the packing.


We had several fan meetings recently. I stayed far away from Chan. I saw the way he interacted with Stays. I see why so many followed him and longed for him. I think I'm getting to that point too. No matter where I go, he's there. Either something reminds me of him or he's literally physically in front of me. He has that charm that whether you know him on a personally level or not, you'll miss him.

After the fan meet, he calls out my name.


I turned to him. We looked at each other. 

"Come with me." He takes my hand, and we walk through the streets. It late and dark outside. 

"What are we doing?"

"I can't be alone, right? So, I brought you with me."

We walked but didn't say anything. Suddenly, he stops and bends down.

"What are you doing?"

He plucks a yellow dandelion and puts it in my hair. He runs into the grass and picks up two white dandelions. He slowly runs back trying not to ruin the flower.

"Make a wish." He says to me.

I close my eyes and make a wish. I purse my lips together and blew on the flower. He followed and we stood watching the seeds float within the wind. 


I stayed in the back while we were boarding the plane. As usual, Chan was in the back with me. He concealed our hands that were intertwined together. He moved through the crowd carefully not losing the grip he had on me. He kept looking back to me and watched my expression. 

I don't know what to say. This has never happened to me within a relationship. Well, we're not dating, and he never asked or said anything similar. He's really compassionate. I like that and the way he makes me feel cared for. 

We got pass the crowd and within the gates of the plane. My hand is still in his hand. I'm kind of trailing behind him. I slightly run up to him. Now, walking shoulder to shoulder, I asked.

"What is this?"

"I'm holding your hand." 

"I know that but why? Especially when there were dozens of cameras out there."

"Oh, really? I must've forgot. I just wanted you to stay safe with me."

What do I say after that? I kept my hand in his and I walked by his side.  


I'm walking past Chan's room when he pops his head out. 



"Do you have the time?"

"Yes, it's 1:43."

"Not that kind of time."

"Oh, uh? Yes, is there a problem?"



I sat down as he begins to tell me what's happening with him.

"I wanted to tell you that..." He paused for a moment. He looks at me.

"I like you. I accepted that I wanted you to be in my life the moment we stepped foot in the airport that day."


"I know we probably shouldn't but for your safety, only within the company. Until you can feel safe outside of the company... Please say you'll stay with me."

"Chan, I- I don't know."


After his confession, I didn't avoid him, and he didn't avoid me. He didn't press me for an answer. He knew that I knew what he thought of me. He was content with me just being around him. He didn't go on with overboard gestures to make me fall for him. It wasn't even that I wasn't falling for him, I was. It's the fact that I worked for him. I could get in trouble. He could get in trouble, and I didn't want that. Maybe one day, I'll be brave enough to tell him what I truly feel. 


I walked into the room. Chan was working on music.

"Hello," he said to me.

"Hello. I shouldn't be here, but I wanted to be."

"Well, take a seat and I'll protect you."

My expression softens and the beating of my heart calms. I watched him work and didn't say anything. He didn't speak either. He just worked in my presence. Soon later, he stops and sits back. He begins to play a demo. He had been working on a love song the entire time. It was to most beautiful, heartbreaking song I heard him make. Tears begin to fill my eyes. I held back and sat still. Once the song ended, he sighed. 

"Chan." I said softly.

He turns to me in his chair.


"I like you too. Like, I... like like you."

His expression grows bigger. He puts on a smile. 


"Yes, I always have. Even the day when you confessed to me. I just couldn't tell you because of my position."

"You can fall in love with me, don't worry. You can even hold my hand whenever you want or need to. I'll be there."


After our love confessions, we grew closer. We didn't hide our relationship. I held his hand any and every where that we went. We affirmed each other all the time. We were on each other's mind every second of the day. I was never without him, and he was never without me. We weren't out to the public and probably won't be for a while. 


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