Minho/Lee Know (Alternative)

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"It's Over, Isn't it?" from Steven Universe

Minho and I never got along. We grew up together. I didn't like him then and I won't like him now.

Unfortunately, I work around him and sadly have to follow him. We didn't pay much attention to each other. The one day, he started giving the camera dirty looks with me behind it. He looks me up and down and gives this stank face.

 We have other filming staff but since I'm free most of the time, I'm there more. I try to stay away from Minho, but I can't avoid him. He doesn't even speak to me. 

Near the beginning, there was some communication, but it stopped. I was being passive aggressive, not going to lie. Maybe part of it came from when I accidentally pushed him and didn't say anything. I couldn't find the time to apologize.

I have this habit of stepping on peoples' shoes. It's not my fault. Sometimes, I step on peoples' shoes on purpose but that's only if I'm close to them. I am NOT close to him nor would I want to be. I did not do it on purpose. He walked too slow.  Now, there's always an attitude with him.


We're in the destinated room. I'm recording the boys and Minho is sitting right next to me eating. I am hungry but just a little. I have my own snacks that I'll get later. He turns his head with the straw at the corner of his mouth, and one eyebrow goes up when he looks at me. He separates his food. He moves the food towards me and nudges it at me.

"Is this a joke?"

He doesn't say anything, only nudges it at me again.

"Stop playing with me, Minho."

I get up and walk away from him. Did he think I was stupid?

He's playing with me, isn't he? He thinks I'm easy. Such an easy target for him to laugh at. All that he knows of me and wants to treat this way. Does he take me for some kind of dog?

Now that I am able to speak up for myself, a response or answer is never returned. Whether I speak or not, I'm invisible.


"Look here, Minho. I'm not supposed to be talking to you, but it must be said. Sorry, I don't treat you like the idol that you are. That doesn't make you higher than anyone else. Have some respect and speak to me. I'm the problem, uh?"

I'm talking to myself in a mirror at home. Why should I have to be the one to go to him? I always have so, starting today that stops. 


Minho has been strangely acting nice to me. He still doesn't talk. I still drive him crazy with my little mistakes. Now, that I don't talk to him. He looks to me sadly. I'll still film him but from a distance.  

"Y/N, can you go with Lee Know."


I follow behind him. We're walking a trail and there are cats. I don't really like cats. Ever since I was young, and one attacked me. My heart starts racing. I stopped walking. Minho keeps his pace until he noticed I had stop.

"What's wrong?"

"The cats."

He begins to move them away from me. He huddles them up into a group on the side.


I speed walk far on the other side. 

"You're afraid of cats."

"I am."

He nods his head in silence.


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