Felix/Yongbok (Alternative)

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"Afterparty" by Isak Danielson

"10 minutes before walking!" announcer states.

"The guys (stray kids) are out in the crowd tonight," Felix said.

"They came to watch?"

"Yes, I can't wait to see them in the crowd."

We were cut mid conversation by someone.

"Felix!... I admire the work you do."

"Kayce Durham! I can't believe that I'm talking to you right now."

"You're literally ethereal, like how do you look like that?" Kayce said. 

"Along with yourself. Oh! This is Y/N." Felix says with a giant smile.

"Yes, Y/N." We shake hands.

"Kayce, can I call you that? I been watching you for the longest. I have such a model crush on you."

"And you're-"



Felix didn't come to the afterparty. He wanted to spend the night with the boys since it was their first time watching him walk on the runway. I went to the party with Kayce Durham. 

A fashion afterparty is basically like a frat party. The champagne bottle came and emptied quickly. The music bumping loudly through the speakers. A few models were sitting around spinning a bottle. I saw Kayce and walked over and stood next to them. I watched a few times before joining in the game.

"I'll play." Kayce spun the bottle and it landed on me. 

"Truth or dare?"


"Do you still have that crush on me?"

"I do." I received a quick kiss from Kayce. I pull closer to them and whispered in their ear, "follow me."

I got up and walked out of the room. Kayce soon followed. I waited and then take them down an empty hall. 

"You don't have to be so worried."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll double dare me as well."

"This will be our dirty little secret."

I know I shouldn't have but, I wanted it. Felix wasn't here and who would tell on me. I been eyeing him for a while even before I met Felix. 


I slept the night with Kayce. I laid in the white bedspread of the hotel room. Kayce was already out of the bed. I reached for my phone to see a text message from Felix.

. . .


"Where did you sleep? I didn't find you in your hotel room."

"I was with a friend.
I didn't want to leave her last night."

He responded quickly.

"Okay, good looking out for a friend. Can't wait to see you."

"Me too."

I lied.

I wasn't going to tell him that I'm actually happy with Kayce. Kayce is everything he isn't.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, come back to bed. It's cold." I said smiling.


I continue to see Kayce whenever I could. I don't think Felix questioned why we stopped seeing each other so much. Plus, I had many bookings, one was actually with Kayce. I always told him that I was either busy, seeing a friend, or my family needed me.

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