Han Jisung

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I work as a journalist. I write articles about k-idols and the k-entertainment industry. I get to go into the major companies, not excluding the smaller ones, and have personal interviews or to see what's actually going on. Thanks to the work I do, I have gotten close to some and other I talk to on a friendly level. Out of them all, Han Jisung from Stray Kids, is my favorite. I like speaking with him.

Ah, you're a journalist." Han says shaking his head.

"I am."

"Maybe someday you could interview me."

That day came quicker than expected.


Han is in the booth recording his parts of the song. I sit at the recording booth, and they allowed me to touch a few of the control, replaying the audios. Bang Chan and Changbin are in the most control of the process. 

"I want a third opinion. Y/N? What did you think?"

"I thought it was really good actually."

"Swag." Han says.

He continues on with the rest of his lines. There were some group recordings, so the other producers/staff handled the recordings.

They switch out who's in musical control based on who wrote the lyrics or song. Sometimes, they're by themselves in the studio with no influence from others opinions. 


I watched as Han and Changbin leave the room back and forth. Bang Chan stays in the room the most.

"What do you think so far?" Bang Chan asked me.

"It's a lot of work and you're not even officially finished with the song. You're just recording."

"It' a long process."

Han walked through the door seeing Bang Chan and I discussing the musical process. He walks to the couch as he stares at us. 

"Do you want to take over?" Bang Chan asked Han. 

"I mean, is it my parts?"


Bang Chan walks into the booth. Han presses the red button and speaks to him. He tells him what he wants in the verse. 

"Nice. Perfect. I like that." He says with exaggerated faces. He takes a sip of his coffee that he brought in.

"You have chubby cheeks." He sucks in his cheeks. "It's cute. I like them." He swallows before saying thanks.

"You have these big eyes that paired with your cheeks, I understand why you have a quokka as your representative animal."

He just stares at me and doesn't say anything. 

"Sorry, that was weird. I'll continue writing." 

Bang Chan comes out of the booth and Han gets up and leaves the room. 

"What were you talking about."

"Nothing." I say as I turn my face.

"Okay, well it's not over. I'll have to do the final arrangements with other people and sometimes by myself. That'll probably be tomorrow or a day when the others are free. Would you like to join and watch?"

"Yes, just hit me up when it's happening."

Bang Chan walks me out of the company. Before exiting the doors, Han runs up to me. He hands me a quokka plushy.

"It's mine", he says.

"Oh, thank you."

He bows and runs away. I look at Bang Chan and he just shrugs while he sucks his teeth.

A Part Of That [Stray Kids OT8 x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now