Hyunjin (Alternative)

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"My Home is in Your Arms" by Daiyan Trisha

Hyunjin POV

"Americano." I paused, "joha, joha..."

"Joha (좋아)."

"Yes, I drink it so much"

"That's definitely not joha (good)."

"I know, I'm trying to work on it."

I sit down at the table, and I start to work on my schooling. I wanted a new scenery and away from the house. I got distracted and began to write a poem that turned into a song. 

It's been a few hours. I packed my stuff and walked to the door. 

"Hey! You forgot something."

I turned to them.

"Excuse me?"

"You forgot something." They say pointing to the table that I sat at. 

"Oh, thank you."

"I hope to see you again." They waved goodbye.


I can't help but think of them constantly. So beautiful like the stars. My beating heart ticking like the hand of a clock.  My new muse, it's so easy to be inspired. Let me draw you to never forget that face or forget that moment.

I got to go practice now and release this passion that's building up inside me. I'm practical prancing down the halls of the building. I have a smile on my face that never leaves.


They're working again, in the back of the cafe. 

"I'll have an americano with a matcha blondie cake to-go, please."


I watch them fix my order, placing the blondie in a little carrier box. The caffeine rushing into the to-go plastic cup. The black straw placed in the cup ready for me to have a taste. As they hand me the purchased items. I said,

"This music, uh?"

"Uh? I'm sorry?"

"This music. It's nice to listen to, you know?"

"Yeah, I listen to it all the time. It's very peaceful."

"Hey, by any chance, are you free after work?"

They look up at me and nod their head.

"Perfect, I'll pick you up from here."


They're standing outside the locked cafe. I run to them.

"Did I keep you waiting?"

"No, not for long."

"By the way, I never asked for your name."




"It's so tall. Have you been in it before?"

"Long time ago when I was with my parents."

"I could never, I'm scared of heights."

I give them a blank stare with the little look of "I couldn't have chosen a worser idea than this."

"You book tickets here, didn't you?"

"I did."

"I'll do... with you by my side."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. It was just a few dollars."

"But I do. They bring their fist up, "fighting"


We're at the top of the tower. The sun is setting now. The sun hides behind the buildings. No one was there in the room with us. After a while, the sky turns into the starry night painting. 

I tilt my head and lean in as I watch them look through the telescope. 

"You're doing well with your fear of heights."

"Yes, thanks to you being here with me."

"Let me take you somewhere else."

"It isn't the Han River because I been their dozens of times."

"Ah haha, no?" I got to think of something quick.


"Wait here."

I go in and come out with nothing, but miraculously hands them a drink.

"This is yours."

We sit on the park swings and take in the swirly winds of the night.

"How is it?"

"It's lovely, Hyunjin."

"Try this." I pulled out a cheesecake from thin air.

"This is great too."

I swing lightly back and forth. I stumble and fall off the swing. I hear giggling.

"Hyunjin? ...Wake up, Hyunjin!"


"Hyunjin, you have to get up."

I'm shaken awake by Channie hyung.

"You jerked back in your sleep. Almost as if you had fallen." Chan says with Han looking over his shoulder.

Have I been asleep this whole time? What was even real?

"Fallen in love, I said." Han and Chan looked at each other.

I rub my eyes and flip over in the bed. Chan pulls the blanket off of me. I pull it back over my head. I let out silent tears. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. 

It was only a dream. It couldn't have been anything else. As the thought finished, I lifted up my pillow placing it over my head. 


I returned to the coffee shop. I see them behind the counter not noticing me. They never knew who I was, but it felt like I knew them so well.

I finished my drink. I looked up from my drink to her. I wish nothing but the best for you. I wish it would've been beyond my imagination.

I painted them as I sat there. Please show me painted truths.

I get up to buy something else. As I return to the counter I asked,

"Have we ever spoken before?"

"I see a lot of people, but I think we have. Oh! Yes, you had almost forgot your charger that one day."

"That's all?"

"Yes, besides when I took your order. Was there supposed be something else?"

"No, I was just going." My eyes travel down to their nametag. Y/N, that's how I knew their name. I must've subconsciously look at it before.


It's late in the day. A few people left in the cafe. They are wiping down the tables and get to the one next to me. I manage to say a few words to them.

"This music, uh?"

"Uh? I'm sorry."

"The music, it's nice."

"It's very peaceful, isn't it?

"Yes, very angelic."

"Almost as if you could paint a dream."

"You have no idea."


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