Minho/Lee Know

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I looked through the lens, Minho was staring. He starts glaring at the camera as he cleared his throat. I move my eye from the camera to look at him. He starts acting with the camera and I backed away. I turn the camera to Seungmin and then Minho moves the camera back to him. I scoffed at him but continued recording.

[off camera]

"What's you deal?" I stand before Minho. He doesn't say anything and just stares at me.

"Hello? I'm talking to you. You act like this every time I record you. I want answers!"

He begins the rapidly blink at me before getting up and walking away. I follow him continuing my antics because one way or another, he's going to hear what I have to say.


It's my outside hours and I'm filming the cats I come across on the streets. I bent down to pet the cats that came up to me. Minho squats down beside me. I look at him and don't say a word.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked.

I look at him and then to the side and back to him.

"Petting cats."

"So, what's the camera for?"

"I'm never without it but if you must know, I'm filming them."

"What is it for?"

"Nothing really. I just like doing it."

"Film me."

I don't ask any questions and go about filming Minho with the cats. He pulls out a snack for them. I watch as he is gently with them. He takes my hand and puts the snack in my hand. He takes the camera and films me. 

Maybe, he's not mean person. Have I just been hard on him? Why don't I like him in the first place?


20 years ago

"Minho, honey come here." His mother called.

He ran into her arms and held her tight. She dropped to her knee to match height.

I stood before them standing next to my mom who wouldn't even hold my hand.

"This is Y/N and that's her mother. She's your age. Be nice to each other."

He stayed quiet and swayed around.

My mom dropped to her knees and started hugging him. She was nice to him. Even picked him up and walked away with him to the kitchen. His mother took my hand and we followed.

As the years passed on, I watched him be loved by his mother while mine couldn't give a care for me. I watched her as she parent other kids that weren't her own. She would gift Minho with everything while I stood and watched. She would bring me along to go out buying things for him when I got nothing.

I was always compared to him. When he adopted his cat at the age of 12. I was frowned upon for not caring as much but I wasn't allowed to have a pet. I was called boring and selfish by my mother. I watched her love another child. When he began to dance in a group, I was shunned by my mother. I wasn't doing much career wise. I would only study and come home.

I wished that my mother never would've met his, then none of this would've happened. I just wanted the love of my mother that I knew no matter the situation, I would never get.

For the longest, I thought it was my fault that she didn't want me. I didn't like Minho because of my mother. I never thought at the time that it was never mine nor his fault for the way my mother acted.

I just assumed he didn't like me ever since then. We never really spoke to each other on a friend level. I wouldn't allow myself to. Then, he started making faces towards me and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.


He hands me back my camera.

"Thank you."


He doesn't say anything and looks to the horizon. I stand beside him. I study his face. I think I can find a slight grin. The sun captures the sharp features of his face. The redness of his ears. His nose perfectly sculptured. His big golden-brown eyes as the light hits them. As I trace his face, he looks at me. I slightly smile and look away. 

We walked back to the house together. He says good night to me, and I made my way back to the other staff.


Gradually, Minho and I became closer. I started learning that it was just the way he acted. I re-met Soonie, Doonie, and Dori. The cutest cats ever. So well behaved. As soon as he stepped foot into the door, they came running to him. They were all over his shoes, falling at his feet. 

"Sit, I'll make you something."

"But I thought Lee Know doesn't cook?"

"He doesn't, Minho does."

I sat with his parents as he worked in the kitchen. We spoke about this and that as we watch whatever was on the television. We caught a channel that played Stray Kids old comebacks. We watched as we commented on Lee Know every time he would appear on screen. 

"It's nice to have you back in the house, Y/N." His mom said.

"It's good to be back."

Minho came in announcing the food. He made steak with vegetables on the side and pasta. I brushed my hair back as I looked over the food.

"What made you make all this?"

"Just a cute person who eats well."


"So, why did you do that?"


"Walk away from me when I was talking to you."

"I didn't have a reason why I acted like that to you. I liked you and I didn't know what to do. Also, I knew you would've followed me."

I lift a finger, "Ah!" I pout bringing my finger back down.

"It's cute and that's one of the things I like about you. You're persistent. I knew you had it out for me... because of the way I acted towards you. I understand but please don't be like that anymore."


I'm back recording him but before I press play, we were messing around. I had hit his shoulder, and he went limp. "Stop playing, Minho. Give me a hug." He swings his head back to look at me. He starts flailing his head around. "Okay... and scene", I hit record. 

I'm recording someone else and Minho somewhere practicing. You can hear him in the background, vocal warming. I ran to him. He stops and stands there. Bang Chan comes in and begins to pretend boxing with him. He paces around Bang Chan in circles before going in for a false right-hand hook. Bang Chan runs away, and Minho comes to the camera and starts fighting with it.


"Can I tell you something."


"I'm serious."

Minho doesn't say anything.

"I'm sorry for the poor parts of your childhood containing me. It's my fault and I'll take the blame." I say looking down.

He touched my knee, "It's okay, I still liked you even then."


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