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I danced in the background, with all the twist and turns. The grunts and heavy breathing from everyone filled the room once we stopped moving. Some of us fell to the ground as the dance ended. There are those who got the dance right away and others who were still working with it. Trying to find their own flow and style of the dance. 

"You," someone said pointing to me. "You, stay with Seungmin and help him."

"What?" I turn my head to Seungmin, then back to the person speaking to me. "What do you mean?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, it's just I would've thought like you know, his members would help him."

"Everyone's busy, but you. So, deal with it. Do not leave until Seungmin has it perfect."

"Good job, everyone! See ya next practice." Someone says as they walked out the door. 

I'm sat on the floor in a 'W' position as I watch my dance crew walk out the doors. I look to Seungmin, who was already looking at me, disappointed to be left with me. He turns his face to the wall mirror and begins to practice. 

"You know, what I said, I didn't mean it like that, haha."

He doesn't speak to me and continues to dance. I get up from the floor and dance along with him. I watch him as I try to understand and follow what he wasn't understanding. 

"Okay, so be a little softer near the end of the dance. When jumping, too, already have you knees bent to jump higher."

He tries jumping higher. 

"Yeah, like that. Do the previous move into the jump."

He follows what I said.

"Let's do the full choreo together."

We covered the dance over and over until he felt comfortable with the movements. He breaks down to the ground and lays there. I drop to the floor, too. 

"Want to go for some more?"

"No," he takes heavy deep breathes. "Why did you say what you said earlier?"

"Oh, you mean. Well, I actually would've thought someone better than me would help you. Or just someone you know, like your members. I never actually taught someone a dance or even choreographed. I didn't feel qualified."

He sits up and gives me a look. "You did good. Why don't we get out of here?"

He opens the door to the room, and we walk out together. 

"Let me treat you. It isn't a date but a thank you meal."

I tilt my head slightly down looking at him, "no date."


"What kind of ice cream do you like?"

He answered with, "mint chocolate."

"That's my favorite, too. I like the color of it too. I feel like you can't find you many mint-green things. So, when I do, I buy it."

He paid for two mint chocolate ice cream from a convenience store as a treat.


I'm sitting on the ground of the practice stretching when I get approached.

"You helped Seungmin a lot. Thank you, Y/N," Bang Chan said to me.

"No problem, that's what I intended."

We continued to practice the dance and, in a month, or so, we'll be dancing on the stage together. 


As usual, I'm sitting on the ground waiting for practice on the stage to commence. When Seungmin approaches me.

"Y/N! I just wanted to say thank you."

"You already did, and you would've done great without me."

"Nah, don't say that."

"And maybe, we'll met when I'm not sitting on the ground as much."

"Well, how about after the show? You and me?"


"Why do you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"You twirl your finger in your hair whenever you're around me. Are you not scared that your finger would get caught?" He says in a sarcastic way.

"You know what."

"What?" He says lifting up his chin.

"How about I get my finger stuck in your hair but wait, it would fall right out."

"It would probably just sleep in my hair."

"Cause your hair is a big fluffy cloud," I say in a baby voice as I pat his hair.

"I mean, you said it."

"What if you were bald?"

He stops, "do joke like that."

I fiddle with my hair for a few seconds longer until I stop. We're in a little hidden area where no one could find us, it's a park. It looks over the city. We run away, chasing each other. He'll come chasing me as he repeats, "mong, mong". 

We start walking the streets of Seoul. He'll stop and comes running to me.

He broke out in song singing "MAMA" by JungKey.

He walked me to my home.

"Looks like we made it."

"Seem like we did."

He looks down at the ground, placing his feet together and salutes me off. I laugh and begin to walk up the stairs. 

"Don't get your finger caught." He says smiling at me.

"I'll try not to, but I'll call if I do."

I close the door and walk to the window where I can see him. Before moving the blinds, I get a call.


"It's me."

"Hello, me. It hasn't even been a minute."

"I'm calling because I was checking if your finger was caught in your hair and... I missed you already. I can see your shadow in the window."

"What? Please." I let out a laugh and open the blinds. He hides behind his phone.

"I can see you behind the phone."

He shows me his bright smile and waves at me when he begins to cover his smile again.

"Get home safe, my puppy (or minnie, whatever one works for you)."


"I love your smile."

"You do?"

"Yes, I wish you showed me more."

He doesn't speak and looks down fiddling with his shoestring.

"It's alright though. I understand you."

He looked relieved when I said those words to him. I just wish he could see himself through my eyes.


We met through a dance practice. I was going to be near you, but I never would've thought I'll be this close to you. It was so unexpected. What do we do with these feelings? I think you feel them too. Let's live this life we share, happy and healthy for the time being.


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