❥ AlanJeff [First Meet]

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Plot: This is an school AU their in university and Jeff is a third year student while Alan would be alumni who is visiting the school to take in some students as his intern in the garage.
(*notes refer to end of chapter*)

Age gap: 10 years

No one's POV

It was a really bright and early morning. Today is the day where third year students have their internship interview. Jeff, a third year mechanical engineering student, will be having his interview into his brother's company X-Hunter.
( The company students are interviewing in are picked by themselves)

"Jeff wake up!!" Charlie shouted for Jeff
(Jeff stays with Charlie and Babe)

"Ya ya I'm up Phi!" Jeff shouted back to his older brother.

He got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up before going to the kitchen to have his breakfast.

"Good morning P'Babe, P'Charlie." Jeff said in his usual tone.

"Morning." Babe replied.

"Oh Jeff are you prepared for your interview. I already told P'Alan about you by the way so please do well he has high hopes of you." Charlie told Jeff in a serious tone.

"Ya I will do my best." Jeff replied

"I will be off to school now bye." Jeff added on.

He wore his shoes and rushed out to school, really just not caring about the interview.

At school

Jeff walked into school ignoring all the happy chatters about today's interview. He could hear people who got picked to interview for team X-Hunter telling their friends and hoping they would get to work with the team just so they could see P'Babe his "brother-in-law".

As he walked closer to his class, he saw a tall guy in a sleeveless top. Jeff thought to himself: " This guy looks like that P'Alan that P'Charlie mentioned in his group picture with the team. Damn he looks even better in real life."

Jeff continued walking but his eyes never left Alan.

When everyone in his cohort has settled down into the lecture hall, their professor began to tell them about how their interview would go.

At the same time, Jeff was looking around the hall and some how he saw Alan standing near the stage with other interviewers. He kept looking at him and could never take his eyes off Alan.

Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey Jeff we are supposed to be going to our breakout rooms right now." One of his classmates snapped him out of his daydream.

"Oh right." Jeff replied back.

Jeff picked up his bag and went down to where Alan was. There were already students waiting eagerly to get interviewed.

While moving off to their room, Alan saw Jeff walking all the way at the back. He remembered Charlie showing him a picture of Jeff and he immediately recognised him.

"Not bad looking. Pretty cute kid." Alan thought.

As they were coming to their room, Alan called out for the first interviewee.

"Nong Jeff. You will be the first one to get interviewed." Alan said out loud.

"The others please wait in this room. You will be called by me when the other interviewee leave the room." Alan added on.

Everyone answered him and went into the room to wait for their turn.

This was the first time both Jeff and Alan saw each other in real life and not on phone through pictures.

"Nice to meet you Ai'nhu." Alan started.

"My name is Jeff. Not Ai'nhu" Jeff stated dryly.

Well that just went a little awkward.

In the interview room, basic questions were thrown to Jeff from Alan and he managed to answer them without any hesitation.

"Hey not bad Ai'Nhu." Alan said right after his last question to Jeff.

Jeff was just sat there waiting for Alan to give him comments.

"You did really good. Really happy your brother told me about you." Alan continued.

"Thank you Phi'Alan." Jeff replied in an monotone voice.

"Well in this case, welcome to team X-Hunter's internship course." Alan said happily.

"Oh really! Thank you once again Phi!" Jeff then replied in an shock manner but still maintaining his happiness.

"We will be expecting to see you tomorrow at the garage first thing in the morning." Alan told the happy boy.

In his head a tiny voice kept repeating: "you can see that little cutie for half a year."

Ahh yes Alan was super happy as well (but he did not accept Jeff just because he was cute and is also Charlie's brother. It was because his answers were good.)

Jeff then proceeded to take his bag and leave the room. On the way out but out of Alan's notice, Jeff was a whole blushing mess.

"Damn" he thought. He officially know that X-Hunter has other hot guys and not just P'Babe.

"P'Alan is really good looking. shit." Jeff whispered under his breath.

Slapping his face twice to get him out of his thoughts, he proceeded to tell his brother the news and also get P'Alans number.

He happily walked to his car ready for the next half month working with X-Hunter and to see P'Alan  (Simp hard) oops not just that he was also excited to work with his brother but meeting P'Alan everyday was his one reason for him to go for his internship everyday.

Request by: yoana_allen

I am wondering if anyone wants this to be a multi part where Jeff would internship/work at X-Hunter and him and Alan slowly falls for each other more till they start dating.

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