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Hey guys... here to say sorry for not posting frequently but this few days i have been struggling to finish up the pregnancy AU but its so hard to get ideas and finish writing it. Along with all this, the recent news about Net and James made me demotivated to do stuff plus i feel like im going to be sick soon. So with all this, this fanfic update would be quite slow the update days ranging from 3 - 5 days if thats fine with everyone.

News for forever my love:

Sorry if I update some things slowly as I am trying to get rid of the sadness of everything today and the last chapter of Forever my love will be out ASAP, which afterwards will be stopped completely.

Apologies about not being able to make special chapters as the news made me demotivated to continue but hopefully one day when I am feeling better, I might consider writing it. Hope you understand me and wishing all of you the best.

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