❀ KentaKim [Helped]

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Summary: After Tony had punished Kim, Kenta secretly helped Kim patch up.

!!! No developed relationships yet maybe just Kim falling for Kenta.

A few days back, Kim visited the Chen's family house to talk to Tony about Babe's accident which he (Tony) said that he was the one who send his guard, Kenta, to pay someone to fuck up Babe's car. Kenta has always been starring at Kim and Kim has noticed it too.

"Not bad for a guy working under this bustard." Kim thought to himself.

They literally had a stare down when Tony was leaving the room, Kenta following him like a tamed dog. Their eyes met each other the very moment Kenta passed Kim, eyes locked for a second as Kenta walked out of the room.

After they left, Kim proceeded to notice the files, pictures and Tony's computer still on so he decided to explore it to take evidence for Babe.

Kim left not noticing that this whole time a CCTV camera had caught him in the act.

Kenta: K'Tony, the other guys from the security branch wants to meet you and show you something.
(K' = Khun)

K'T: Let them in.

Kenta followed his bosses words and lets in the security branch people. They presented Tony with a i pad that shows a clip of Kim taking pictures of things in the office.

K'T: Go get Kim back here. I'm going to teach him lesson.

Kenta heard his boss and bowed his head to tell him that he understood what he (Tony) just said. Kenta then walked out of the room to make a call for the other mans instructing them to get Kim.

Bringing Kim back there wasn't easy but despite knowing how to fight, he was beaten by the mans and brought back to Tony's mansion.

He was not really injured but Tony then decided to ask Kenta to hold him with a knife to Kim's neck which made a small cut on there too. Now his whole face was hurt.

After Tony was done dealing with Kim, the guards left him on the floor and all left. All except Kenta. Kenta then brought Kim to his feet and lead him out of the mansion.

Kenta: I am only going to help you this once.

Kim side eyed him but followed Kenta out of there and to somewhere safe. It was an abandoned house out of nowhere but near the mansion.

Kenta: This is my secret house. Come in I am going to patch you up before you can go.

Kim: ok?

Kim was a little paranoid but still entered the house. He walked to a sit and sat down waiting to be patched up.

Kim: why would you even bother helping me.

Kenta: I am doing this because I have my own reasons.

Kim just stared at him. Well I guess you could say he is mesmerised by Kenta. The only guy who work with Tony that secretly betrays his boss and his also well hot.

Kenta brought his first aid kit and proceeded to help Kim with all his injuries as fast as he can.

Kenta: I'm done you are good to go now.

Kim: Wait before I go, I know you have a personal number so just give me it.

Kenta: why should I?

Kim: Well deep down I know you are suffering there from your looks and the way you helped me so I want to repay this favour by helping in some way.

Kenta: Well if you say so here.

Kenta unwillingly (actually willingly) gave Kim his personal number just so they could communicate. Yes, Kenta wanted and desperate wants to leave that house after being treated like a dog for years. Kim was willing to help him get out of that hell hole no matter what it takes as he was falling for Kenta.

He wanted that man so he must get that man free... He will do it and give Kenta all the happiness he deserves.


Super short won't be continued as I have other ideas for this couple.

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