✮ CharlieBabe [pt.2 party]

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Summary: Morning after the pool party where Charlie is even more sick and done with life.
[Seems more of BabeCharlie tho cuz I am a sucker for soft sick Charlie]

Morning after the party

Charlie was woken up to noises from outside. He was having a immediate pounding headache from how bright the sun is and the noise which is he going to assume is North and Sonic making content for their YouTube.

Charlie sat up on the bed and held his head in his hand.

Babe: aow your finally awake. Morning sunshine.

Charlie: morning Phi.

Charlie had no energy to reply or even move a single bit as it was hurting him so much.

Babe: You feeling ok?

Charlie: nope. I feel worst and North and Sonic are making it worst Phi my head is hurting even more than before I heard their voice.

Babe frowned at his poor boy, face full of concern for Charlie. Babe had no other choices but to go and give the chaotic duo a scolding.

While Babe was scolding the chaotic duo, Charlie was not having a good time. He was gagging from time to time but didn't want to throw up.

Babe then walk back into the room with breakfast for Charlie it is something light for a sick person.

Charlie: Thank you phi. I can eat it by myself do not worry go down and eat na.

Pouting at his boyfriend, Babe reluctantly dragged his feet out of the room. After the door was closed, Charlie tried his best to eat but the most he could was a few bites and he was done.

Charlie just left the food at the bedside table and took his medicine as he should. He could hear everyone down stairs chatting and thinking that he had the strength to go down, Charlie grabbed the tray and left the room to put his food in the kitchen.

Walking down from the stairs, Charlie was a little dizzy but it still wasn't a big deal for him. He walked all the way down cautiously which caught Babe's attention from the living room.

Babe: Charlie! Why did you come down by yourself. You could have called me.

Charlie: sorry P'Babe I just wanted to return the stuff to wash.

Babe: Call me first before you come down. Let me help you, and go up to rest.

Babe took the tray away from Charlie and had him go up to rest.

Charlie who is now once again up in the room began sulking at Babe for not letting him do whatever he wants.

Suddenly the door opened and in come Babe.

Babe: hey rest.

Charlie: No way.

Babe: Don't be so stubborn I swear.

Charlie just ignored Babe and laid in the bed facing the other direction where he can't see his Phi.

Babe: Ohoo Charlie why are you like this. Stop sulking and go to sleep.

Charlie: fine but when I'm better, Phi better get ready...

Charlie said with a sly smile on his face.

Babe: sure, when your fully healed you can order me to do whatever you want.

Charlie turned over to Babe and his naughty hands wondered around Babes body.

Charlie: Do not regret what you said Phi.

Charlie pulled Babe's shirt up and touched his bare skin moving his hands up and down teasing his P'Babe. Charlie smirked at him and turned around to sleep and recover so he can do some things when his all healed up.

It took Charlie 3 days to heal and back to his feet in no time (perks of being an alpha) he was happy to be able to do things without getting babied by his boyfriend.

Charlie then smirked again remembering what his P'Babe has said to him. He was ready to mess him up in bed and fuck him like there is no tomorrow. Charlie is now all strong and super duper prepared for the night to come.

End of part 2
(Hope its good)

Notes: Hey Hey super short one as my brain isn't working but this is not the end the smutty part will come soon.

Please do recommend more things especially for PeteWay and NorthSonic.

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