୨୧ NorthSonic [Pregnant (3)?!?]

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Pregnancy after miscarriage.

Our two little blessings. Our twin rainbow after the storm.

North - 34
Sonic - 34
Sky - 14
Nova - 11

Standing in the toilet with the test results in his hands, Sonic was hoping that he was pregnant praying that they would finally have a baby of their own, their miracle.

Flipping it over, it says *pregnant 3+* and happily, Sonic shouted for North.

"NORTH ITS POSITIVE!" He shouted out for his boyfriend. North came running in as fast as he can to celebrate with Sonic.

North: our little miracle huh...

Sonic: yea a pleasant one.

*one year ago*

A positive stick was passed to North and yes Sonic was holding their baby in him. They have always hoped for a day like this to come and it happened. He was 3 weeks pregnant then and it was also race season so it was super busy.

Because of the busy season, Sonic was super stress knowing that his son was also going to race for the first time. It led to Sonic and North not having time to have proper meals as their trying to train their son from start to end.

All of this stress was added on even more when during one of Sonic's checkup, the gynaecologist found that a 7 week old fetus looks so small like it was only 4 weeks old. Then only did he notice that Sonic will be going through a miscarriage soon caused by all the stress they had the past 4 weeks.

Sonic was bawling his eyes out especially a few days after the check when he felt a pain in his abdomen. That day he was in loads of pain until he went to the toilet to shower when the fetus came out and that ended his pregnancy there and then. (I did my research)

After all that, Sonic, North, Sky and Nova were all grieving the lost of their first child and new sibling.


The couple was so happy even though they kinda figured out Sonic was pregnant a few weeks ago. Happily, they booked a visit to their gynae at that instant.

Family 🤍
Sonic: Kids, mama has news to tell yall.

Nova: yes ma?

Sky: what's up?

North: Your mama is pregnant kiddos.

Immediately after that message was send, running sounds were heard as the siblings ran to their parents room.

Flinging into their arms, they congratulated their mother and asked to go to the gynae with them.

*at the hospital*

Sonic laid on the bed and the kids with North were looking at the screen admiring their new baby.

Doctor: Congrats K'Sonic. Your on your second trimester with twins.

Everyone was stunt in the room staring at the doctor.

North: Oh thank you doctor. Uhm we shall take our leave now.

North lead the kids out first before going to take the pictures and help Sonic out.

Happily holding on to the picture, North smiled at it. His and Sonic's two beautiful miracles, their twin rainbow after the storm of losing their first child.

As Sonic was in his second trimester then, he was told to stop work and to stay home to rest. Everyone knew carrying one child is a pain and as for Sonic, carrying two is double the pain on his back.

Lucky for him, he didn't get any morning sickness and his cravings were still pretty normal. It was a very smooth ride for his first proper pregnancy considering his having twins as well.

Moving into the third trimester, this is when things start to get more difficult. The anxiety of thinking about the babies coming into the world was real. Sonic was already packing the hospital bags for him, North and the babies. He has also already briefed the 2 kids about what will be happening on the day he leaves for the hospital.

"Khab Ma we know what we need to do. And we will help with the room while you and pa are at the hospital. Ok? No need to worry about us." Sky replied Sonic's nagging about him and Nova being home alone without them. Being an older brother again, Sky was as mature as any other boys his age.

"Okok thats good." Sonic smiled at his son while holding his stomach. He was really lucky to have such angelic kids.

At 38 weeks, Sonic was admitted into the hospital for an emergency C-Section as one of their babies was getting strangled by the umbilical cord. Everything happened so suddenly. They had called up Alan and Jeff to grab their bags for them and rushed them to the hospital as at that time, it was almost Sonic's C-section schedule.

In the surgery room, North sat by Sonic's aide through all the procedures like the IV shots and numbing shots. He held Sonic's hand and never complained when he was given a hard squeeze. The process was fast and in the speed of light (about 2 hours) they welcomed their twins into the world. A boy and a girl. Their two rainbow babies, their little miracles.

Despite having to stay in the NICU until their healthy, North and Sonic were really happy to welcome their twins early. Their little girl was named Sage and their boy named Nat.

1 year later 🤍

Staring at their set up, the twins were finally turning one. Nova and Sky were playing with the twins on the floor waiting for people to get to their house. Sonic looked at North and North did the same. The four kids of theirs, their own family. Sonic and North's dream of a family has came through and it was a really beautiful sight looking at the family picture hanging on the wall next to the birthday decorations.

It was perfect.

The End.


Notes: Hope you enjoyed this. Do give feedbacks as well. Love yall 🤍.

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