☆ PeteWay [Savior Pt.1]

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Summary: Pete walking into Way's life was like a gift send from heaven.

TW: mild cursing and attempted SA
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Falling in love with your best friend is a normal thing in life. And that's how Way is feeling. He fell for his best friend Babe an special alpha from the same place as him.

At first Way was only supposed to use his abilities to hypnotise Babe and make him pregnant as a mission from his adoptive father but eventually he fell for the alpha. And yes Way is an enigma since birth.

Then life became more complicated as Charlie walked into X-Hunters life. He was Babe's partner and everyone adores that little boy everyone but Way. He was furious but could not show as he has seen it with his own eyes that his best friend was happier now.

Things started getting worst as he was called back to the house by his father. He failed to get Babe pregnant and this is the 11th year. He can't drag this longer so he started to take actions.

Since X-Hunter was losing to red racing, life had brought them a chance to walk back up on top again. Khun Pete from beyond group has decided to support them. Same as Babe, Charlie, Jeff and Way, Pete is a special enigma who also ran away from Tony.

Drunk heart broken Way was once drinking with Pete. Damn that boy didn't notice that he was falling for Pete there and then. Blinded by his love for Babe he also couldn't see that Pete was trying to hit on him.

Days pass after the time Pete brought Way home from the club. They hadn't seen each other since that day. But Pete's feeling stayed the same.

Way gave up after hearing Charlie and Babe made up after another fight of theirs. He went to the pub again only to push Pete aside after treating him to a drink.

Nevertheless, Pete never gave up trying to chase Way and to win his heart.

Starting his plan to make Babe pregnant, Way sat in the pub after inviting both Babe and Charlie waiting for them. Little did he know, Pete was there too. Everything was a blur. Way started to take action and tried hypnotising Babe when Charlie left them to find the others. Way then flirt with him, but it got worst as Way's hand made his way around Babe's body. Despite his attempts, Charlie got to them and dragged Way away from his boyfriend. Babe was out of the blur by then and gave Way a hard ass punch when he regained his memories.

"YOU BITCH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! IM YOUR FREIND WAY!" Babe shouted in shock. He felt violated by his best friend. As Babe stared at him, Way noticed what he had just done.

Charlie stared at him with a disgusted look. While Pete was just observing from afar, despite being disgusted he knew why Way had to do all that thanks to Kenta for back stabbing that bitch of a father.

Alan notice what had happened between them and took action immediately.

"Way, you will be banned from the garage until further notice from today onwards." Alan told Way with a hint of disgust in his voice.

Way looked at his team no, ex team members in the eyes and nodded his head. Tears welled up in his eyes but he didn't dare show his vulnerability to them. He never showed it to them. Way then proceeded to take his leave to his car away from the others.

Everyone watched him leave. Babe in Charlie's arms crying, Jeff hugging Alan's arm, North and Sonic holding hands and looking super disappointed as well as Dean too.

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