❆ CharlieBabe [pt.1 party]

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Summary: PARTYYY and taking care of a sick dog 😭
(Its going to be quite long, lengthy and super detailed btw.)

At the garage

Today the whole X-Hunter team were gathered in the garage after the final competition. Of course Babe won and North Sonic being the party duo they are asked Alan to set a party at his house. It was not just any basic party but it was a pool party.

Everyone was really enthusiastic about it and was planning on what they should bring or order for dinner.

Alan: Ok everyone we will meet at my house at seven. You all are dismissed.

Everyone walked out of the garage to their cars while Charlie, Babe, Jeff and Alan went to check the garage for one last time before closing.

Babe: Charlie are you ok with the pool party love. We both know that you cannot be in the water for too long or you will get sick.

Charlie: I'm fine Phi. I can just have my medicine after the party no worries!

Charlie stated. Babe just shake his head in disbelief while laughing at his naughty puppy.

Charlie: come on Phi! P'Alan is driving us to his house lets go!

Charlie shouted for Babe to hurry. "This little pup really is super excited damn." Though Babe.

Alan's house

When Alan's car parked in to his house, Charlie was being dragged by his little brother to their own room while Babe and Alan watched their boys rush up to change.

Going up to the rooms , Charlie was met with Babe having his hands wrapped around his waist.

Charlie: P'Babe go get changed Phi. Your outfit is in the bathroom. Be quick na phi.

Babe: okkk I will come out quickly you naughty puppy.

Babe chuckles at Charlie's face after being called naughty puppy by him.

Babe: oho Charlie did you choose for us to match today puppy.

Charlie: khrab Phi.

Charlie face smiled in delight after Babe noticed that they were going to match today.

Babe: you sly boy.

Babe said and went to Charlie flicking his little sly boys head.

Charlie: Phi it hurts.

Charlie then said rubbing his head.

Jeff: P'Charlie! P'Babe! Uncle is asking for you guys!

Jeff suddenly shouted from the living room.

Both Charlie and Babe then rushed down to see what Alan needed them to do.

Alan: Finally you both came. Ohh matching outfits today I see.

Charlie: khrab P'Alan.

Babe was a whole blushing mess now that someone else other has noticed it.

Alan: anyways, I need you both to start ordering food. The other said they want to eat Pizza.

Babe: Ok!

Babe went to Charlie who is chilling with Jeff on the sofa and started ordering the pizzas.

Suddenly the door was opened and in comes the others. Pete and Way leading the pack along with North and Sonic following them.

(We don't talk about Dean)

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