⟡ CharlieBabe [Kiddos]

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Summary: Just them adopting kids 😂

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Charlie has always wanted to have kids. On the day when Babe proposed for them to be boyfriends, he already thought about their life if they were to have kids. Charlie would love to be called Papa by his kids and hear them call Babe Mama.

Babe has never stopped thinking about the fact Charlie wanted kids. He himself was also slowly thinking about having children too, having Charlie call him mama always makes him wonder about the both of them really having kids and being called mama by those little gremlins.

After a life or death situation fight at Tony's, that man was finally in jail. But the kids at the house were left homeless and were send to an adoption centre by Pete. Babe was aware of this and made it an opportunity for him and his boyfriend to adopt the kiddos.

"CHARLIE!" Babe screamed for his boyfriend.

"Khrab! What's up my love?" Charlie responded.

"You know how you have been wanting kids..." Babe started a little reluctant about touching this topic.

"Yes? And why love." Charlie answered in a soft tone noticing how Babe was a little overwhelmed.

"What if we adopt any of the kids that were send to the adoption centre. We can bring one or two of them back as our own to love and to also train them." Babe continued.

"That would be a great idea Phi!" Charlie excitedly exclaimed.

Charlie wrapped Babe into a hug all happy and kissed his boyfriends head multiple times as a "thank you for fulfilling my wish."

Happily as every, Charlie started to make plans to move them into his apartment which has two empty rooms perfect for them as a family. (Jeff moved to Alan's house)

The day has come (literally the day after Babe talked to Charlie) where they will be going to see those kiddos again.

"Mama are you done dressing up?" Charlie questioned Babe.

"Almost done puppy. Give me a little more time to pack some clothes to bring." Babe answered his very excited boyfriend.

Babe came out with a bag of his clothes and met with Charlie standing right in front of the door.

"Here let me help you with your bag my dearest mama." Charlie offered.

Babe scoffed and blushed. He passed Charlie his bag and they both left the house hand in hand.

The drive to the adoption center was really exciting for Charlie and Babe. The both of them were super happy to start a family. And surprisingly, reaching there they saw Pete's car. As they could guess, Pete and Way were both adopting the kids too.

They both smiled knowing that their lives were going to change for the better now.

"Hi we are here to adopt one of the kids that came in here recently." Charlie said when they reached the service table.

"Come with me." The service lady lead them to the kids.

While walking in they saw Pete and Way talking to a little boy who seemed to be around the age of 4.

"We have the twins and this boy who would you like to get to know?" The lady asked.

"The twins please." Charlie excitedly said.

The lady led the twins to the room Charlie and Babe were in.

"Sawadee khrab." The twins greeted them.

Charlie looked at the boys in awe while Babe was happy to see both the boys much more healthy than before.

They had a good time talking to the twins and learned their names plus many more things.

~ Twins profile~
Age: 5

Names: Jay and Jade (Fraternal Twins)

Jay is an Alpha while Jade it an omega.

Their powers: Jay and Jade can sent messages to each other like twin telepathy. But a bad thing is when one of the boys gets hurt the other twin would feel the pain. (taken from Not Me like the twins Black and White).

"Their perfect." Babe stated.

Charlie nodded his head and Babe laughed.

"Yup the perfect boys." Charlie then responded.

They both walked to the service lady ready to pick up the adoption letters to sign and adopt the boys.

Everything just went by very fast and soon the boys were ready to go back home with them.

"Jay! Jade! Grab your things boys you are going back with your new parents!" The lady said.

Charlie and Babe quickly thanked her after the kids were out with them.

"Here let me take your things sons." Charlie said.

Both boys shyly passed their new father their bags and they all left to the car.

When going back to the car, Jay noticed his friend being adopted by another couple. As expected Pete and Way adopted a little boy aged 6.

"Uhh Khun khrab, do you recognise the two people." Jay asked Charlie shyly.

"Jay you can call me papa na. And those are your mama's friends." Charlie responded to the kid.

Jay nodded at his Dad's words and proceeded to tell his twin. Everyone happily got into the car and headed home.

[After they left Jeff and Alan actually went to adopt a kid]

Reaching to Charlie's apartment building, he went to open the door to see both kids sleeping.

"Love, the kids are sleeping." Charlie told Babe in a soft tone.

"Oh we shall carry them up first then. You get Jade I will carry Jay." Babe stated.

"Then I will get the bags too then." Charlie added.

The both of them brought the kids and their own bags up to settle down into their new home with their new family members.

After putting the kids together in a room for them to rest, Charlie went up to Babe and hugged him from behind. Babe smiled knowing his boyfriend was happy.

Never in Babe's life have he ever wanted to have kids until Charlie came into his life and changed his view on having them.

"I love you so much darling." Charlie said sweetly.

"I love you too my puppy." Babe added.

Charlie kissed his cheeks and continued hugging him. They are even more happy to be complete as a family of 4 now.


Notes: Not really the end yet. I will be introducing every kid after this. Stay tuned!

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