➜ Pit Kids [Gen-2]

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I will be talking about the kids of the ships!!! The order will be by when they got adopted so their age might differ.

Charlie & Babe
•second oldest (Twins): Jay and Jade (adopted at age 5) (fraternal twins) 

The both of them are the first siblings to be adopted. Both of them are just like their Dads, they have special abilities. As mentioned they have twin telepathy and can feel each others pain whenever one of them is fighting or injured

Jay is an alpha while Jade is an omega.

Jay is a Mama's boy whilst Jade is both papa and mama's boy.

•Middle child: Cosmo (Girl) [adopted at age 4 going on to 5]

Cosmo is an alpha

She is an normal girl. she was ditched by her parents at the very young age of 2 because she was not an omega or beta.

She is most definitely her uncle Jeff and Alan's little girl.

•Oldest of all: Ben (adopted at age 9)

Ben is a alpha boy.

Just an ordinary boy who got left in the adoption center after his mom passed when she was giving birth to him. Babe was the one who wanted to adopt Ben as he was already at the age of 9 when they saw him because no one wanted to adopt that poor boy.

Ben is a mama's boy too.

•Two youngest: Leo and Lily (adopted at 7)

Their the same age but have different birthdays.

Leo's sign is an leo thats why Babe and Charlie named him that and just so happened when they adopted the little girl, the month that she was born in was the time the lily flowers at their house garden bloomed. Thats how both the kids got their names.

Leo is an special Alpha. He can see from afar like further from normal people's view . He doesn't need glasses due to the super good eyesight.

Lily is a beta girl. Both her parents died in a car crash and her aunt was the one who put her up for adoption.

Leo was adopted because his parents didn't like the fact he had special powers as it reminded them of Tony.

*age gap to be told soon

Family of 6 the kids calls Charlie Papa and Babe mama.

Pete & Way
•oldest: Pran (adopted at age 5)

Pran was one of the kids who were with Jay and Jade in Tony's house. Same case as the twins which led him to the adoption centre then being adopted by our wonderful couple.

Pran's ability is that he can read people's mind.

Pran is an alpha and definitely is Papa's (Way) boy.

•Youngest: Wyn (adopted at age 6)
[her name is pronounced as Win]

She is an female alpha.

She was born to two dads but at that time they were financially not stable so they set her up for adoption. Way who wanted a daughter managed to adopt this little girl the day they set foot into the adoption Center for the second time.

Wyn is a Daddy's (Pete) girl and also her big bro's little girl too.

*they are 0 years apart. A few months difference.

Family of 4. Pete is called daddy and Way is papa.

Alan & Jeff

• Youngest: Ash (adopted at age 8)

Similar to the twins and Pran, he was also from Tony's house.

Ash is a Alpha and his special powers is he can do things fast like has super speed. And his parents trained him to know when he can use his abilities.

•Oldest: Jan (adopted at age 9)

Jan is an omega but is super dominant.

She was adopted by Alan and Jeff because their little boy wanted to have a big sister.

Jan was brought to the adoption Center when she was a few days old as her mom was an fleeing criminal. (I don't know what made me write this)

*the siblings are 1 year apart. Adopted in the same year.

Also a family of 4. Jeff is Mama and Alan is papa.


•youngest: Nova (adopted at 7 years old)

Nova is an omega.

North and Sonic just wanted to adopt a kid since their big bros and friends adopted. Then Nova came into their lives. A friend's aunts kids who is only a teen wanted someone to adopt her child so eventually North and sonic adopt that baby.

•oldest: Sky (adopted at 10)

Sky is an beta.

He was adopted at the adoption center with no background information about is birth parents.

*the siblings are 3 years apart

Family of 4. North is called Papa and Sonic is called Dad.

Kenta and Kim
•Only child: Kay (adopted at 10)

Kay is an omega.

Kim suggested to adopt a kid and Kenta just followed his words and adopted this little pre teen boy.

Kay's parents were in jail for some reason that no one knows.

Family of 3. Kenta is Dad and Kim is papa.


Kids present age as of my au

Ben - 20yrs

Jay Jade Kay Sky - 18 yrs

Cosmo Wyn Pran- 17 yrs

Lily Jan Leo - 16 yrs

Nova Ash - 15yrs

Their relationships (within the circle)

Pran - 17 (Bi) and Jay - 18 (Pan) [CP 1] (BxB)

Cosmo - 17 (lesbian) and Wyn - 17(lesbian) [CP 2] (GxG)

Nova - 15 (Bi) and Leo - 16 (straight) [CP 3] (BxG)

Jade - 18 (gay) and Sky - 18 (gay) [CP4] (BxB)

Ben - 20 (bi) and Kay - 18 (pan)
[CP 5] (BxB)

Ash - 15 (asexual - bi)

Notes: more information about the kids will be out soon. You will know the story is about the kids if the title is 'Pit Kids'. Hope you like this!!! Pls do give feedbacks too!!

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