୨୧ KentaKim [Pregnant (2)?!?]

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Complicated pregnancy.

Age (different from original AU):
Kenta - 37 years
Kim - 35 years
Kay - 17 years

It went from one to two with many tries over the past 3 years.

Having a biological baby is something Kim had wanted for the past 4 years. The couple has been trying their very best and not long, they found out that Kim is pregnant with their child. The past 3 years of hard work had paid off but little did Kenta know that he was in for a big rollercoaster ride of pregnancy hormones change coming from Kim and complications with the pregnancy it self.

It was a warm summer day and Kim was about to end his first trimester. The past weeks since Kim had hit his 5th week of the trimester, he was throwing up a bunch and its not just morning sickness. Surprisingly, most of the time when he was throwing up, it came from eating and sure as hell their baby is one picky eater.

Kenta was always there for Kim even though he had his struggles about the thought of having to take care of a baby. Endless nights of staying up and reading on articles on how to be a good dad has been a casualty for Kenta since he wants to be a good dad for the new baby.

As for Kay, he was just excited to be a big brother always watching out for his father's wellbeing and also telling Kenta to get some rest knowing about his father staying up late every night to study on good parenting skills.

Hitting the second trimester, things started to get worst for Kim especially with the food and some people's scent.

"Oh love what are you cooking it smells bad." Kim asked Kay who was cooking dinner with Kenta for Kim.

"Its just fried basil pa." Kay turned down the gas to plate his meal.

As Kenta entered the room helping Kay bring in all the food, the smell made Kim feel sick in the stomach. Trying his hardest to not throw up, he managed to make the nausea subside by drinking some water. But it was worst when Kenta had scooped some fried basil and egg onto Kim's plate.

He couldn't handle it anymore and went to the bathroom to throw up. It was bad. Kim was in the bathroom for 15 mins and it was too long so Kenta decided to check on him.

"Baby, you ok?" Kenta asked his fiancé.

Kim shakes his head in response as it was too hard for him to talk right now afraid to vomit another time.

"Thats it I'm bringing you to the hospital this is bad." Kenta immediately took Kim into his arms and called Kay to help his father while he went to prepare the car.

The ride to the hospital was no different from earlier. It was just Kim trying to not throw up but gagging a lot more then usual. Upon reaching the hospital, Kim threw up once more before they entered the building.

Kim was then admitted to a private room for monitoring and as for Kay and Kim they were sat outside waiting for the nurses to finish checking Kim.

"Why is pa's pregnancy so complicated dad? I just don't get it how can others be so calm yet not his." Kay sadly asked his dad.

"I don't know hunny but all we can do now is hope for the best. Hope that your pa and little sibling is healthy." That is all Kenta could say to comfort his son.

He pulled Kay into a hug seeing that his son looked like he was about to cry. No matter how sad he was, Kenta needed to stay strong for his family.

"K'Kims family may enter now." The nurse taking care of Kim called out to Kenta and Kay. The both of them perked up and left to the room.

Opening the door, Kim smiled at his husband and son happy to see them both again after a long time being in the room all alone.

"I'm fine don't worry. Baby was just being naughty everyday." Kim comforted his family. With concerned eyes, Kenta took Kim's hand and held it tightly giving he his love and strength.

Kim stayed in the hospital for 4 days as doctors and nurses monitored him and his eating habits. And before letting him go, Kenta was briefed about Kim's eating habits and how they needed him to eat no matter how nauseas he felt.

Things were fine and stable still for the rest of the time. Kim was getting better and was eating healthier things even though he feels sick most of the time he had to do it for their baby and his own health.

As the second trimester comes to an end, racing season began and Kim had to be present to competition as an observer. And incomes his third trimester when everyone was called to their first ever race with the junior team.

As always the smell at the garage made Kim nauseous and he threw up about 2 times in one day. It wasn't bad still but it was quite unsafe for him. That just made his pregnancy even more risky with all the toxicity in the air. Kenta had told Kim multiple times to stay in the observation room instead of the hot garage but he insisted to be there for his son who was racing.

This happened every week during competition days and everyone was super concerned for both dad and baby's health.

At 36 weeks, Kim was having contractions during fhe race. Kenta had to rush him to the hospital immediately and he was brought into the surgery room immediately after 1 hour of reaching there. And at this risky age, while also being an male alpha, the baby was born early and is premature.

Despite all this and Kim being admitted into the hospital for 2 weeks, both of them and Kay stayed strong for each other and their baby in the NICU.

Frequent visits to the baby from Kay and Kenta, they always update Kim that the baby is getting stronger and healthier day by day which also helps Kim in his healing process.

At officially 40 weeks, both Kim and their baby girl were both healthy. Baby girl named Kongkwan which means gift in thai as she fought for her life to stay with them and they managed to bring her home as early as the expected time. She was their families new pride and joy, and definitely the families little surprise gift.

Short one. Rushed through this. Added NorthSonic to the list and PeteWay next. Love yall 🤍

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