୨୧ AlanJeff [Pregnant (1)?!?]

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[Preggo AU I have officially caved in and decided to write on mpreg for all couples. haizz what has national exams done to me]
Age (at random):
Jeff is 33 (young dad)
Alan is 48
Ash is 18
Jan 19
Finding out

The alarm in the room rang out loud as the sun starts rising. Waking up Jeff, he groaned as he reached for his phone to off the ear piercing pain alarm sound. As he was sitting up, a sudden wave of nausea attacks him. Jeff covered his mouth and rushed to the toilet, starting to throw up.

Alan was woken up to not see his beloved husband beside him but instead heard coughing noises coming from their toilet. Concerned for his lover, he rushed to the toilet immediately.

"Hey teerak I'm here." Alan made himself present to Jeff as he continually patted his back to comfort him.

Jeff then looked up at Alan, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Lets get you brushed up and back to bed yea." Alan helped Jeff up from the toilet and brushed his teeth for him. Alan also brushed his own teeth too then proceeded to help Jeff back in bed.

"I will go get the kids you rest well." Alan told Jeff. Jeff nodded too weak to speak and Alan just kissed his forehead before leaving to get the kids for breakfast.

After Alan left, Jeff felt an urge to take a pregnancy test. He knows its not normal to throw up in the morning unless he was super sick or was very much hangover but now, neither was his sick nor hangover.

Jeff then gathered all the remaining strength he had and went to his bathroom where the pregnancy test is at. Taking it out of the drawer of the sink, Jeff took the test and sat on the toilet waiting for the results to be shown. (If your wondering where he got it from, it was leftover test from previous time he tested. Jeff just bought extras incase yk ya.)

Sitting in the toilet for what seemed like forever, Jeff turned the stick around and saw two lines. Yes TWO RED LINES. His face turned pale and he was sent into complete shock. He was happy yet scared he didn't know what to do.

"JEFF! Where are you love." Alan called out for him.

"I have your breakfast." Jeff was brought back to reality and his face lit at the thought of breakfast. Hopefully the food is to the baby's liking not wanting to be sat on the floor throwing up again.

Walking out of the toilet with two hands at his back, Jeff sat down on the bed and was staring at Alan.

"P'Alan. I have some news for you." Jeff started.

"Whats up love?" Alan curiously asked his beloved.

Jeff then handed him the pregnancy test with a smile on his face. Alan then took it from him and his face lit up seeing two red lines present on the stick.

"Oh my! I'm going to be a dad again!" Alan exclaimed and kissed Jeff on his head.

Jeff giggled at his husbands reaction. He too now was also excited to be a dad again.

"Yes Phi we are going to be dad's again. But please let me have my breakfast now." Jeff stared at Alan who left his breakfast tray on the floor.

*knock knock*

Ash heard his father screaming from his room so he decided to check on them concerned for his ma since he was not present in the dining room with them.

The door open and Ash was met by his parents sitting together in bed and his ma having breakfast.

"What's the special occasion today." Ash asked them.

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