↺ Pit Kids [Accidental Love]

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Summary: Ben and Kay have been FWB for about 5 month now. Kay accidentally got pregnant by Ben as they forgot to use protection. Then Kay got into an accident as he felt sick while practicing and one thing led to another.

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One weekday, Ben, Kay and the other kids were at the garage. Kay was having his usual practice rounds on the pit but today, him and some of the other kids were racing each other to get the real feel of how a competition is like as requested by Alan. While they were racing, Ben was chilling watching them race from the screen. Suddenly there was a crash. Ben was in pure shock to see that Kay's car had crashed to the side wall. All the members and garage team all heard the sounds from outside and rushed back in to see the screen.

Ben couldn't think straight at this point so he rushed to the pit, jumping and avoiding all the broken parts trying to get to his crushes side. The boy he had love his whole life. Surrounding Ben were the other kids that were racing. The first two person to come up to them were his brother Jay and his boyfriend Pran.

"Jay please call uncle Kim and Uncle Kenta! Pran please call the ambulance NOW!" Ben shouted at the two boys while Cosmo and Sky stood there still in shock. Jay immediately  rushed to get everyone and Pran dialed up the hospital. Ben was shaking Kay trying to get him to wake up.

"Wake up Kay! Please Phi is begging you!" Ben now patting Kay's head. Kay started to regain his senses.

"P'Ben." Kay called out to Ben.

"Krab. Phi is here, stay awake na." Ben begged.

"Kay!" Kim shouted out to his son.

"Son the ambulance is coming please stay awake for us." Kenta said to his son.

Finally, the ambulance arrived. Kim and Kenta went with Kay onto the ambulance while Ben rushed to his car. Ben was then stopped by his father.

"Ben, your not in the right mindset to drive there by yourself right now. Please let your ma drive you there love." Charlie told his son firmly yet in a caring tone.

"Krab Pa. Ben will update Pa when I reach there." Ben then followed his father to his own car and Babe drove him to the hospital Kay has been admitted into.

When they reached the hospital, Ben rushed to the front desk to ask the nurse about Kay.

"I'm here to see khun Kay khrab." Ben told the nurse at the desk area.

"Khun Kay is still in surgery but the room he is admitted into is number 0407 at level 4." the nurse told Ben.

Babe followed his son up to the level where Kay is at and was met with Kim and Kenta.

"aow Babe, Ben." Kim called out.

Babe waved at them and Ben showed respect by wai-ing to the two adults.

"Are you k'Kays family members?" A nurse asked.

"Yes, we are." Kenta replied.

"Oh ok. K'Kay has woken up while we were putting him in his room so you may see him now." The kind nurse told them.

Ben then went to talk to the nurse privately and asked her about Kay's conditions.

"K'Kay has minor cuts and a fractured leg nothing to bad but he nearly put his child at risk of dying." The nurse explained.

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