✦ Internship entry 1 [AlanJeff]

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Summary: Jeff has officially started his internship
Note: this shot will be done in a mixture of diary and POV's.

Jeff's POV:

First day of my internship

Today was a really busy day. P'Charlie and P'Babe were happy about me being in X-Hunter for my internship and I am too. But it being my first day, I didn't expect it to be so hectic having to rush to tune the motor of the cars. Despite being too busy, P'Alan or should I call him uncle, kept reminding me to rest from time to time. Blushing frfr.

Real life event:
Jeff was in the tuning room trying to re tune most of the cars motor when he heard knocking on the glass window. He stopped everything and turned to see Alan there.

Alan: Ai'nhu go and rest. You have been working since this morning and it's already past lunch time. At least take a 10 minute break. I will be back to check it with you.

Alan reminded Jeff to have a break.

Setting everything down, Jeff left the room to grab water and some snacks to eat.

Going back to the room, Jeff was greeted with Alan inside waiting for him. Jeff quickly moved to the car and showed Alan what he has tuned and to let him check if it is perfect.

Alan: Good job Ai'Nhu.

Alan praised Jeff. His hands were on Jeff's head and he pat his intern also as a praise.

Time skip to 2 months

2nd month of internship

Internship has been moving really smoothly everyday I would just do the same thing but lately I have notice that Uncle has never once kept his eyes off me. And yesterday I accidentally touched his arms and saw a vision of us together, me cuddled up to him in the garage sofa. It was really hard to look at him normally without me blushing after I saw the vision and have been avoiding him, but uncle looks a little hurt today. Is it because of me avoiding his contact and questions?

Normal POV:
The next day after the diary entry, Jeff worked up the courage to tell Alan what happened and why he was ignoring him.

Jeff: Uncle can we talk.

Alan: sure whats up nhu.

Jeff: ok first stop calling me Ai'Nhu or Nhu.

Alan: than what should I call you? Teerak?

Jeff awkwardly looked away for a moment trying to figure out what Alan had just said. Crazy. Yes crazy like how Jeff's face is blushing right then and there.

Alan: Ok sorry. What did you want to talk to me about.

Jeff: The pass two days when I ignored uncle, I didn't mean too and I'm sorry.

Alan: Its ok. Uhh let's get back to work.

Well the opportunity was lost that just sucks. Jeff just went back to work again.

It was a shame but he couldn't keep it he must tell Uncle today and his feelings about him. Yes his feelings. Those pass two months Jeff has slowly feel for Alan he doesn't know why but he just did. Maybe it was the way he was taken care of by Alan that made him fell.

Night has fallen, Jeff told Charlie to go home with Babe first as he needed to "talk to uncle about his internship" and he will see them at home after his done.

Jeff walked to the sofa and waited for Alan to finish checking all the cars and he walked up to Alan to talk about his vision and feelings.

Alan: Ow Ai'Nhu did you not go back home with your older brother and Babe?

Jeff: No uncle I just wanted to tell you something and it is really serious and important.

Jeff told Alan in a super extreme serious tone. They both walked to the sofa in silence and Jeff sat first than Alan took a sit right beside Jeff ready to listen to the little one talk.

Alan: All to you. You can tell me whatever you want to.

Jeff: Ok so do you remember that day when I accidentally touched you, I saw something about us. You might not know but I am a special Omega just like how my brother and P'Babe is a special alpha.

Alan nodded and what Jeff has spilled about himself.

Jeff: I can see people's future and that day when I saw the vision, it was up hugging right at this spot. And I think you were kissing my head too...

Alan stared at Jeff in shock.

Alan: Wow, I'm shocked Ai'Nhu.

Jeff: And I also want to say that I have fallen for you and even more after I saw the vision... but please if you don't feel the same as me you can reject me and I will leave your life as soon as the internship ends.

Jeff confessed in one breath worried about the response Alan is going to say.

Alan: Ai'Nhu what made you think I don't feel the same. Phi had liked you since your brother introduced me to you even though it was just a picture.

Jeff: Really?

Jeff startled but happily said. His face lid up as he looked at Alan.

Alan: Yes good boy (dek dee). I like you alot but we can't date yet if you want na, we have to wait till your internship is over.

Jeff: of course. Uhm Uncle khrab, you can call me teerak instead of Ai'Nhu if you want.

Jeff hurriedly spoke while still blushing about what Alan had said. He was super happy and relieved to know that Alan felt the same feeling towards him too. And Alan called Jeff dek dee. Jeff's head is definitely screaming and cursing at that point of time.

Alan: Okok. Let's get you home now. Don't want your brother and bro-in-law waiting for too long.

Alan reached a hand out to hold Jeff's. Jeff knew what will happen if he touched Alan with his full palm so he stood up and linked his arms with Alan instead.

They both happily walked to Jeff's car hand linked together and also Alan helped Jeff take his bag. 😉😉

Alan drove Jeff home and even gave him a good night kiss on his cheeks also promising to pick him up tomorrow to not let him have to deal with Charlie trying to fuck Babe early in the morning.

Alan: Goodnight khrab nhu. Jub jub.

Jeff: Night Uncle!

Jeff quickly took his bag and went running up the stairs to the apartment and Alan happily drive home.


Notes: 2 Month of internship and their in the talking stage. Lets see how Alan and Jeff will show their love to each other until Jeff internship finishes and they become official.

KentaKim short story next then back to AlanJeff and CharlieBabe.

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