୨୧ PeteWay [Pregnant (4)?!?]

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Mood swings and weird cravings.

Age (different from original AU):
Way - 35 years
Pete - 36 years
Wynn - 16 years
Pran - 16 years

*Warning might be a little messy*


Pete was in a state of regret. Knocking up his husband to have a kid with him was what Pete always wanted but the crazy ass mood swings, damn its no joke. But what's worst is all of Way's weird food combinations or what people call it pregnancy cravings.

First trimester was when the mood swings already started coming in. Way was sat on the sofa (couch) watching TV while Wynn was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. The part that triggered Way's mood swings to start was when Wynn accidentally dropped a plate. Way was scolding her like there was not tomorrow only to be stopped by Pete who shouted at him.

First trimester's mood:

Way is on his 6th week of pregnancy. All was well for him, no morning sickness or any fatigue but he has super serious mood swings.

It was an early morning when Way was chilling in the living room scrolling through his phone. His daughter was in the kitchen cleaning up the plates from breakfast when a sound of plate dropping was heard.

Way turned his head almost immediately and stared at Wynn. He was suddenly feeling furious as his plates were super expensive and precious.

"Wynn ah why did you drop the plates huh. Can't you handle it with more care and you know how expensive this plates were love. You could have just left it there and let either your brother or father take care of it. You should know what had happened the last time you washed the plate." Way reprimanded Wynn.

Wynn looked at the floor scared to look at her papa in the face. And that's when Wynn was saved by her dad.

"Way, love don't scold Wynn. She was trying to help please be reasonable hunny your pregnant and she is trying to be a good girl by helping." Pete walked into the kitchen telling Way in a loud tone, to let it go.

Way stared at his husband in shock at how instead of at least talking to their daughter about her mistakes, told him to stop his scolding and let it be. Way gave his daughter one last warning look and gazed back at his husband then proceeded to storm back to their room, slamming the door to show his angry.

[Pran: Good luck Dad.]

Way was sulking at Pete no longer angry at his daughter as he thought through his actions.

*knock knock* it was Pete knocking at the door. He knew he made Way angry and he wanted to make up with him as immediately as possible.

"Way, my love can you let me in na~ I'm sorry let's talk it out hunny." Pete shouted as loud making sure Way could hear him.

Way huffed and turned his head so his not facing the door. As for Pete he was still knocking and begging Way to open the door for him. It took Way a full 30 minutes before opening the door for Pete.

"Hey sweetheart." Pete greeted his husband. Way once again huffed and turned his head away.

"I'm sorry my love please forgive me. Let's talk it out?" Pete begged Way.

"Fine." Is all Way said.

"Way let's go down and talk to Wynn na." Pete begged Way to go to the living room where their daughter is waiting for them.

"You can eat some of the sweets your craving for too ok?" Pete made a deal with Way.

Upon hearing the word sweets, Way's face lit up in excitement and got up to go to the living room. Wynn was looking at her mom walk down the stairs with a smile on his face, she knew her dad had told Way he could have whatever he wanted.

" Wynn... Ma is sorry na. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you." Way talked softly to his daughter.

"Ma its fine. Wynn is sorry for being so careless." Wynn apologies to her mom.

Pete: All good now?

Wynn gave her dad a thumbs up that they both have cleared up and talked. Happily, Way proceeded to the kitchen and grabbed his stash of sweets that were laying in the fridge.

And this is pretty much Way's first mood swings during his first trimester. Way's pregnancy was like a typical one with the morning sickness and bloating but he wasn't having a good time with the pregnancy bloating.

When his second trimester stared, the kids has been getting busy with school and practice. As for Pete, the company has also been in a mess with loads of work to be completed. Pete not feeling good about Way being home alone, granted his husband a chance to go to the garage.

At the garage:

Way: Hey guys anything that I can help around?

Jeff turned his head to look at Way and shook his head.

Jeff: P'Pete said to not let you do anything strenuous so he gave me some of his work documents to let you check for the competition season.

Way looked at Jeff giving him puppy eyes as a sign of not wanting to do it and as Jeff was about to leave it on the table, Way started to pout looking like he was about to cry.

Afraid of having to deal with a crying Way, Jeff immediately turned around and left for Alan's office ready to call Pete to pick his husband up.

"P' Alan, can you call P' Pete! P'Way is about to cause a temper tantrum." Jeff called out to his boyfriend. While Way just stared at Jeff who was smirking.

"Yall are no fun." Way pouted again and crossed his arms.

    As all this was happening, Babe walked in the room with a packet of sweets for Way as he got a call from Pete about how they could calm Way down.

"Here sweets from your beloved husband." Babe dropped the sweet pack on the table. Suddenly, from a pouting face, Way face lit up with happiness and he grabbed the candies joyfully snacking on it. Jeff just rolled his eyes and left him alone.

"Ma! Not too much sweets it's not good for the baby and I do not want you to get scolded by pa." Wynn reminded her ma.

"Err ok I got it. Go do your things before I tell your uncle Alan your not doing anything." Way warned his daughter.

Third trimester:

As Way came into his last lap being pregnant, everyone has gotten super protective over him. He wasn't allowed to do anything and had people taking turns to take care of him.

He felt loved by everyone and everyone was jus happy that Way's pregnancy was going to be over soon after dealing with 8 months of varying emotions from Way.

16 Feb 2024, morning at 4:00 am, Way was rushed to the hospital as his contractions were really close to each other. The pain was unbearable and non stop of cursing to Pete was being shouted from Way's mouth as he tried to hit his husband. It was really quick process and at 6:48 am, Way was ready to give birth. It was no different from others that had natural birth with all the pushing and even more cursing, their baby girl was finally brought into the world.

After 9 Months of suffering, everyone was relieved to not have to deal with a whiny Way anymore... or thats what they think.


Notes: End of this for now. If i think of a plot for another chapter i will write it out.

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