WinnerDean [Acceptance]

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Dean dating Winner and the team has to accept them (and also their little girl who does not have a nickname yet her legal name is Phoomjai but just saying her nickname is Waan)
It was an early morning for Dean today needing to leave to the garage early for practice.

*ring ring* His alarm rang at 7am in the morning waking not just him but also his boyfriend up. Dean tried to get himself out of the strong grip around him but failed to do so.

"Winner! Let go I need to go get ready and also make Phoomjai and you some breakfast." Dean scolded Winner.

Winner just stared at Dean and slowly let go of his boyfriend.

"Wake me up when your done showering hunny." Winner reminded Dean even though it is what their usually like every morning.

Dean went to take a quick shower and brushed up before heading out of the toilet to wake up his boyfriend and daughter.

"Win love wake up I'm done showering its your turn." Dean shaking Winner getting him up. "I will go get Phoomjai and by the time I'm done making breakfast I expect you to be out of the shower." Dean then warned Winner before leaving to their daughters room.

Winner immediately got out of bed to shower and brush up not wanting to get an earful from his lover.

Phoomjai (Waan) room

"Phoomjai daughter time to wake up. Today papa and dad needs to go work." Dean woke his beloved daughter up. Yes her legal name is Phoomjai she doesn't have a nickname as both Dean and Winner does not know what to call her by.

"Mmm morning Papa." Phoomjai greeted her dad.

Dean got the girl up and brought her to her own toilet to brush up and do all necessary tasks before bringing her out to the living room for breakfast.

"Phoomjai ah." Winner called out to his little girl.

"Sawadee kha Dad." Phoomjai greeted her other father.

Dean left them both alone while he prepared breakfast for them. It was pancakes today. The three of them set together in the living room eating their breakfast as a family.

Checking the time, Dean noticed it was already almost 8.30am he was going to be late.

"Ai'Win! I'm going to be late all because of you." Dean exclaimed.

Phoomjai heard her dad and just giggled at him.

"Uhh uhh I will drive you to work today ok? Then I will take Phoomjai with me." Winner used bringing Dean to work as an apology for making him late.

After breakfast, everyone was rushed out of the house immediately after grabbing all bags and clothings to change after practice.

It was a peaceful yet rushing drive to the X-Hunter garage. But Dean managed to reach exactly at 9.15am, 15 minutes earlier then their call time.

"Phoomjai behave at the garage today for dad ok? If daddy says Phoomjai is a good girl, tonight we will have ice cream ok." Dean asked his daughter to make sure she would behave.

"Ooo ok kha pa." Phoomjai replied.

"Ok I will get going then. Bye bye Phoomjai. Bye Win." Dean said goodbye to his family.

Winner then kissed Deans cheeks before he left the car.

Little did they know, Jeff who came out to have some fresh air with Alan saw everything. Yes his boss and friend saw him with their rival together.

Dean was shocked to see Alan and Jeff. The only thing he could hope was to not get questioned by the both of them now.

"Hey Dean. We need go talk." Alan signalled to Dean to hurry into the garage.

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