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Hello chuckaboos!!

So this is your author and on a serious note I don't know how to start. This is my first time writing a story on an online platform so I am kinda nervous 😁😁

If you are reading this story thank you so much for giving this story and me a chance.

I assure you the storyline would not disappoint you.

English is not my first language so there would be grammatical mistakes. Please try to ignore them.

The storyline is originally, completely, factually mine so please don't copy.

It is set in India so there would be  Hindi dialogues but I will give their translations as well and try to express the same feelings in translations as much as I can.

Pictures in the story are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners. Source is Pinterest.
But ya aesthetics are made by me only.

Positive criticism is welcomed open heartedly. But disrespect to author and the book will not be tolerated.
Thank you....

Please Enjoy!!!

Yours author,


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