6. The Business Empires

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I was laying down on my bed not able to sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes, the pair of black charcoal doe eyes seemed to not leave my head.

That cheeky sarcastic smile with savage remarks.

That carefree laugh while telling different funny incidents.

That cute face she made while doing her drama.

The raven haired seductive little vixen didn't seem to leave my mind at all.

'You remember you hate her na.?'
My subconscious mind reminded me, taking me out of her thoughts.

'Ughhh what the hell are you thinking Kiansh. Don't fall in her trap. She is not what she shows. Her smile may be the brightest of all the lights but her soul is tainted. Don't forget what a double faced girl she is."

I rubbed my forehead and let out a heavy sigh. From tomorrow onwards I have to join the S&R main branch.

It's been six years since I took over my company and created an empire. It is the topmost company in the world.
For me Power became everything. I made sure to make S&R reach the greatest heights.

I gained everything which I desired for whether it's power, money, came or the throne. EVERYTHING..
There is no place in the market where Singhaniyas doesn't have a share in it.

No one can beat S&R Groups. But in Asia S&R Groups come in third position. Yes the company which is no. 1 in the whole world comes in third position in its own origin.

Guess who's the first and the second one.




There is no doubt that Singhaniyas holds power in whichever market they invest their shares but from last few years internationally technology and weapon industries went in the hands of SL Tech and Stellar Horizon. Whereas the Asian business is dominated by Sehgals.

And it fucking pisses me off...

I still don't know who the CEO of SL Tech is?
Only the people with whom the SL Tech company signs their deal knows the CEO.

It's not that we never tried to do a deal with the said company but every time it seemed like they didn't want themselves to do business with us.

The CEO is not only the sole owner of SL Tech but also the co-CEO of Stellar Horizon, again a company which is best in the world for its highly advanced weapons due to which they hold the power to make any country's defence system dance on their fingers.

The other one is Mr. Matthews, who is known as the face of Stellar Horizon. In the business world if he is the face the other one is the brain of Stellar Horizon.

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