8. Buddy

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"Thank you Mr

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"Thank you Mr. Singhaniya and We look forward to more deals with you and your company."
Said Matthews while shaking my hand with a heartwarming smile but it didn't reach my cold heart.

I gave him a curt nod and made my way towards the exit of the Royal Hotel where we just signed the deal and where Matthews was staying. Natasha, Vikrant and Aryamaan was with him and his assistant discussing further things.


This was the only thing which kept repeating in my head when I got to know that Stellar Horizon agreed to sign a deal with S&R Groups.

I thought that finally I was going to see the other CEO but all my plans got burnt in devil's hell when only Matthews came to sign the deal. The reason:
The other CEO was busy with another deal.

I didn't let my frustration show on my face. Next time. This was the only thing which I kept chanting in my mind while signing the deal.

Fuck! I fucking don't care about any deal anymore. I just want to know this Ms. or Mr. Mysterious CEO as soon as possible.

The person who is keeping the whole business world on bay.

I was thinking of all this when suddenly, don't know from where, a new york express came and hit me.
Well this new york express seems like a person.

As an instinct my hands went around the person's waist in order to save her. Well, the long hairs let me know the gender.

I looked up at the new york express and found my mortal enemy with eyes closed tightly as if waiting for the fall.

Oh! Melodia not so easily.

She opened her eyes and looked up which made both our eyes clash with each other.

Fuck!!! Why does this little vixen had to own such a mesmerizing pair of black eyes?

I was lost in her eyes when I felt a push on my chest and realisation hit me. I was holding my enemy whom I claim to hate with all my guts, in my arms and was losing myself in her eyes.

My hold loosened around her waist and just as she was about to fall, she balanced herself.

Seems like Ms. got great reflexes.

I agreed with my subconscious mind but quickly shook off the thought and straightened myself.

Looking up I saw she was busy glaring me with questioning eyes.
I raised a brow at her.

Then don't know which lightening struck her and she changed her expressions like a running train.
Firstly she gave me a confused look and then suddenly her eyes widened as if she realised something unexpected and then narrowed her eyes at me as if I had done some crime.

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