10: Fire and fire extinguisher

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"Wow!! great

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"Wow!! great. Seriously no network. Ughhh"
I said while hitting my car's bonnet.

Now I am standing here in the middle of a silent road because my car, don't know what happened but it stopped and today with god's grace, there is also no security with me.

It's 1:30 am and there is no network in the area.
I am pretty familiar with the roads here so I can say that I am four kilometres away from Sehgal Mansion which is on the opposite route to the route to my palace which is exactly 9 kilometres away.

I started walking with the hope that I would be able to trace even slight network.

I don't know how much I walked but now I was standing in front of a bus stop. Turning back I saw my car at a distance. I sighed and sat on one of the chairs before slightly patting off the dust.

Seeing the dust coat on the seats, it can be easily said that there would be hardly any people who stops here for the buses.

I sat there knowing that if I didn't reach the palace before 2:15, the security team would start searching for me. I know it's not very good of me to make the whole palace worry about my whereabouts but I don't have any option.

Don't know exactly how much area is out of network coverage. With that I sighed and closed my eyes in exhaustion.

After few minutes I heard footsteps precisely a person was running. I craned my neck towards my right and frowned seeing a person in black with earphones plugged and a hood on head, jogging.

Must be a fitness freak and the patient of insomnia.

Must be a fitness freak and the patient of insomnia

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(Ignore the phone and the bag)

Seeing up close the person was a female.

She kept jogging maybe with music blasting in her ears.
She seemed as if in her own little world and ran past the bus stop where I was sitting.

Suddenly she stopped on her tracks. Seems like the girl saw me through side view. Turning around and after seeing me for 5.7seconds, she let go of her hood.

The lightening from the street made me see her face clearly and I was right.

Don't know about fitness but the person standing in front of me is surely a freak and the patient of a mental health because she is none other than
My beloved mortal enemy.

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