4: The Blame Game

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"What do you even get by getting on his nerves?"asked my besto as soon as we got out of the airport ready to sit in the car

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"What do you even get by getting on his nerves?"
asked my besto as soon as we got out of the airport ready to sit in the car.

(Utmost peace.)
I said while giving him a big grin.
"Chill yaar, I didn't have any intention to roast him. It's just when I saw him in that situation, I thought to have some fun. That's it."

Rohan stared at me with a serious face and I knew what was coming.

"Shravi don't. Don't do this. It will again give them a wrong idea. He still hates you about the thing which happened years ago. Hell at that time it was not even your fault.
So don't drag it furthermore. Let's just stay away from them. I don't want history to repeat itself."

I just let out a sigh and nodded my head reluctantly. Rohan and I have been the most crazy duo in our group, crazier than even Harshit and Ayushi, but when it comes to those people, he becomes the most serious one.

It's not that he is still stuck in the past but it's just after that incident he is just protective of me.

I settled down in the car and kept my head on the window. My mind went back to those days from where it all started.


A nine year old me was sitting with dadi and was enjoying watching Shinchan when I heard some noises from the living room.

I ran towards the room thinking that papa must have come from his office and have brought me "Knowledge Encyclopaedia" which I requested him for.

It may look extremely weird to see a nine year old kid reading encyclopaedia but in reality it's not. I was in fourth standard and had enough sense to read on my own and understand what was written.
It's not like I understood each and everything but I still liked to read about science specifically about space and technology.

My parents were not amused as they knew I was smarter and more sensible than the kids of my age. Whenever anyone came home they always got intrigued by my knowledge of things.

The only thing which gave a headache to my parents about me was my behaviour. Because of my straightforward nature and unthougtful personality towards people, I always came out rude unlike my little sister, Natasha.

Sensitive and always thoughtful of others. These traits of her made her the apple of the eye of my mother. Her one cry was enough to put our whole house on fire and let me tell you a fact, not even a day of the week went on which she didn't cry.

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