5: The Family Reunion

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Author's pov

Everyone reached Suramya. As soon as they stepped out of their cars they saw their parents waiting for them impatiently.

Everyone's mother came and hugged them tightly.
Before Neeharika can reach Shravani, Natasha made a run towards her and took her in a tight hug while sobbing and telling how much she missed her mother.

Seeing her mother occupied she went towards her father and gave him a gentle hug who patted her back proudly.

After composing herself Natasha broke the hug and roamed her eyes around to spot her father whom she saw was busy with his elder daughter.

Natasha felt a little sad seeing him giving his attention to his favourite daughter. She always thought there parents should try to treat their kids equally.

She went towards the duo and Mahir immediately hugged her and kissed her forehead lovingly, the same which he did with Sharavani.

Seeing the opportunity she went towards her mother and hugged her. She tried to pick her up but failed eventually when Neeharika smacked her hand while squealing and laughing.

"Paagal ladki.", Neeharika said while chuckling at her dramatic daughter.
(Mad girl)

"Uff Begum, humne aapko bohot yaad kiya. Itna ki aapke yaadon me humare is nikkame dil ne shaayar banne ki hi thaan li thi.", exasperated Shravani in her dramatic way.
(Uff Sweetheart, we missed you a lot. So much so that in your memories this useless heart of ours had decided to become a poet.)

It's not that she was seeing her mom after months. In fact two weeks ago when she came for business here she stayed with them only but when she saw her having moisture in her eyes, she tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

Unlike her little sister, she doesn't have any problem with their parent's favouritism. She thinks it's okay to everyone have their own favourites. At the end what matters their parents love them a lot. They never neglected any of them.

No matter what happened they were the people who were happy with their kid's happiness, they were who supported them when there was no one, their parents were the one who remained awake the whole night when they were suffering from fever.

They were the ones whom they will find beside them every time no matter what the circumstances would be.

It never affected her knowing that Natasha was mumma's favourite at least she was her father's.

And she already accepted the bitter truth that no matter what a time always comes in every child's life when there are people with whom we become much more closer than our parents. It's not that they neglect their parents but everyone gets their own special ones. Only few have their parents as their special ones.

And her own parents, brothers and her bhabhis are the example. They all love their parents immensely but at the end of the day their partner is the only one they find in their arms.

For her, her special ones are her friends and vice versa. There are so many things which her parents are unaware of but there isn't a single thing her friends don't know about her.


On the other side Mishti was busy hugging the shit out of Kiansh who was practically having difficulty in breathing due to her mother's tight hold.

No matter how many people he met in his life, he was never a 'hug' person and here is his mom who was now not even thinking of freeing him.

On seeing his son's struggle, Arjun came forward and detached his beloved wife from his suffering son.
He then patted his shoulder and gave him a short nod with a small calming smile.

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