12.Past,Present and Future

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Sehgal mansion

Sehgal mansion

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Natasha's pov:

"Y..y..ess.ss. sh..e is r.r.right.. It...t. wa...s...was.. Sh....shra...Vani....Shravani d..ii...di wh..o. p..pus..he....d..... m..me. in the. f..f..fi..re.."

As soon as I said those words everyone in the room froze in their places. A thick silence engulfed in the room which got cut by her voice.

"Are you out of your mind. I didn't push you to harm you. I was saving you damn it."

There I saw di standing on the door with wide eyes which were filled with frustration. A sob escaped from my mouth when I remembered how she pushed me. Fear crawled under my skin thinking now she will harm me more as I told the truth to the family.

I was sobbing when I saw mom going towards her taking long strides and then..
A loud thud echoed in the room.

Di's face moved towards the right and she was holding her left cheek. And there, mom stood in front of her with furious eyes.

Everyone gasped in the room because we all knew mom never raised her hands on any of her kids and specially on Shravani di no one ever even raised their voice on her and here mom directly slapped her.

When di regained her posture mom furiously said her next words which pierced everyone's heart,

"Is this how I raised you? For a petty fight you went to this extent to harm your sister. Do you even know the consequences of your actions? She would have died.
I regret calling you my daughter. I am ashamed of you. No not you, actually I am ashamed of myself that I am a mother of a murderer.

From today onwards you will not live here. You are going far away from here. I cannot take risks with the lives of my other children just because of you."

Mom furiously shouted at her and she raised her hand to give another slap, Shaurya bhaiya and Vasu bhaiya came in front of her to shield her. A pang of pain struck my heart when I saw my brothers still trying to protect my elder sister even when she tried to nearly kill me.

Di just remained silent. Her eyes were blank. She silently turned around and was going to exit the room when Khanna uncle, dad's pa came running from the other side of the door.

His attention went to di and seeing the red marks on her cheek, he bent towards her and asked her,"What happened baccha? And who did this?"

Even though his tone was soft, anyone could sense the anger behind it. Her back was facing us and no-one could see her face but could easily guess her movements.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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