Thomas [1]

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Hey guys! This is my first imagine and I hope you like it!! Make sure you leave requests and comments so I can incorporate your guys ideas! Love y'all!!

As the sun started to make its way behind the walls, the gladers made their way to their hammocks. Goodnights were said between friends as everyone got comfortable.

Y/n, the only girl in the glade, made her way to her room. When she first arrived last year, Alby made sure she had her own private space. Making her way upstairs she opened the door and stepped in, shutting it behind her. However, she didn't lock it knowing she wouldn't be alone for long.

She changed out of her dirty clothes into more comfortable clothes for sleeping. That being spandex and one of Thomas's shirts. Y/n crawled into bed, pulling the covers over her body.

Ever since the girl got here she developed nightmares, causing her to wake up in the middle of the night in a sweat and panic. The only person who made them go away was her boyfriend, Thomas.

As she laid in her bed waiting for Thomas, her eyes started to get heavy. However, she soon heard the familiar footsteps coming to her door.

"I'm sorry I'm late, baby, the showers were full," he kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed with her.

"It's okay, I just got into bed." She rolled over giving him a small smile. Thomas laid down opening his arms for her to settle into. Her head laid against his chest and her leg made its away across his stomach. His arm closed in around her body, holding her as close to him as possible.

Thomas felt her muscles relax and her breathing slow down. Before falling asleep he placed multiple kisses on y/n's forehead.
Y/n felt Thomas stir awake. The maze walls were gonna open soon and Minho would soon be looking for him. She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with a yawn. She watched in awe as he  got dressed. The way his muscles flexed as he threw on his shirt and running vest. She moved towards the edge of the bed where he was sat, tying his boots. She ran her fingers up and down his back, making him shiver lightly.

"Goodmorning to you too," he laughed lightly turning to face y/n. She placed a peck on his lips and smiled softly at him.

He finished tying his boots and stood up in front of her. He leaned down and placed another kid on her lips. He pulled her off the bed, onto her feet. Holding her hand above her head he spun her around looking at every part of her.

"You," he paused, biting his lip, "look beautiful." A small blush spread across her cheeks. No matter how long they've been together, he can still make her melt. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and Thomas's wrapped around her waist.

"Be safe, come back to me," she looked into his beautiful brown eyes pleading him.

"Always will baby," he pulled her in for one more kiss before walking out the door.

Not wanting to miss breakfast, y/n got ready for the day and headed down to the kitchen.

Her eyes searched for one of her best friends, Newt. Finding him walking in line for breakfast, she hurried to get in line with him.

"Boo!" She came right up behind scaring him.

"Bloody hell Y/n, you scared the klunk out of him," he chuckled lightly patting the top of the girls head.

Newt and y/n were best friends, pretty much siblings at this point. They had been there for each other, helping one another through their mental struggles.

Once the two reach the front of the line they grab their breakfast and go find a spot to sit. She spots Alby and Chuck sitting at a table. She points them out to Newt and they make there way to the empty seats.


After working in the gardens all day with Newt the sun started to sink in the sky. Minho and Thomas should be coming back any minute now. Calling it a day for work she heads over to the maze doors, waiting for Thomas to get back.

They were starting to cut it close today. She stood and watched, biting her fingernails out of anxiety. After what feels like hours, which is actually two minutes, she sees the two boys round the corner in a slow jog. Seeing his sweaty hair and flushed cheeks washed all the anxiety away and bad thoughts away.

"I told you I would be safe. You can relax now."
He opened his arms for her to hug him. She wrapped her arms around his torso, but soon tried to jump back. However, his arms were already secured around her waist.

"Oh my god, you stick. Let me gooooo!" Thomas laughed but kept holding on to her body.

"You gotta give me a kiss first," he laughed at her attempts to break free, "then I'll let you go."

She reluctantly looked up at him and placed a quick peck on his soft lips. "There that's all you get for now. Go map, then take a shower, then we'll eat dinner, and THEN you can hug me all you want."

"Fine, fine, I love youuu!" He unwraps his arms and runs to the map room to meet Minho. She smiled as she watched him run to the map room. Her eyes drifted down to his butt, she had always loved it.
She grabbed two plates of dinner and went to sit down at her table. Thomas should be getting here any second, but she grabbed him food so he would actually get some. As if right on cue, Thomas walked through the door. He scanned his eyes around the room until he landed on his girlfriend.

"Hi, baby," he placed a kiss on top of her head and sat down by her side. "Oh, you smell so much better." She earned a laugh from everyone at the table. Thomas looked down at his plate and dug in, hungry from his day of running in the maze.

The couple engaged in conversations that were happening at the table. Y/n and Newt were talking and Thomas sat and listened to the two. Newt saw the way Thomas looked at the girl. With complete admiration.

After a while the conversation had changed to be between Newt and Thomas. Y/n leaned her heard against Thomas as she listened to the two boys talk about whatever was on their minds. Out of instinct Thomas's arm wrapped around her waist and rested innocently on her thigh.

After dinner people started to head in for the night. Thomas intertwined his fingers with y/n's gently guiding her to their room.

"Goodnight Newtie, I'll see you in the morning," she sent him a light wave.

"Goodnight, y/n/n (your nickname)."

Thomas walked right behind the girl as she walked up the stairs. Near the top he just couldn't help himself and tapped her butt lightly. She turned around and rolled her eyes playfully.

Y/n opened the door and immediately started to strip out of her dirty and sweaty clothes. Hearing a whistle she turned around and saw Thomas's eyes glued on her.

"So, looks like I'm getting a free show," his eyes scanned her body up and down, he brought his bottom lip between his teeth. "Easy there big boy, I'm just trying to get out of my dirty clothes." She slipped on a t-shirt and her spandex that she wore last night. "Awwww damn it," Thomas's bottom lip jutted out, fake pouting.

"I'm sorry baby." "It's okay, I'm just teasing."

She crawled into bed and collapsed face first. She heard rustling of clothes as her boyfriend took off his shirt and slipped into pajama pants.

"Come on pretty girl, move out of my way before I lay on you," she quickly rolled out of the way so he could lay down. She laid on her side facing the brown haired boy. He wrapped his arm securely around her waist, pulling her closer to his own body. She buried her face into his neck inhaling his scent. Thomas planted a small kiss by her ear before drifting off to sleep.
Ahhh okay! First one down...let me know what you guys think of it!! Again please send me requests of what you want me to write. 🫶🏻❤️

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