Minho [2]

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I was being held back by two guards as I watched my boyfriend be dragged away from me. I know what was happening, WCKD was taking him to put him in the maze. I was never going to see him again...they didn't even let me say goodbye. They just....took him.

"NO! LET ME GO! MINHO, NO!" My lungs burned as I screamed for him, hoping this was just a nightmare. It wasn't, this was real.

"Y/N! BABY, I LOVE YOU!" That was the last thing I heard before the door was shut. He was gone...he was really gone.


"Baby wake up!"

My eyes shot open and saw the familiar brown eyed boy next to me. Sweat covered my body and my eyes adjusted to the room. My chest heaved, my mouth dry from trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, it's okay baby." His lips touched my forehead over and over as a tactic to calm me down. His arms pulled my body on top of his, my head laying on his chest. Feeling his hands run reassuringly over my back, my breathing began to slow and become less erratic.

"What happened this time?" He asked calmly.

"I remembered when they took you away from me. I was screaming and crying in the hallway. I thought I'd lost you forever." I feel tears well in my eyes even talking about it. He must've heard my sniffle because his hand found my cheek, running his thumb across my skin.

"I had that memory last night. It broke my heart watching you sit there screaming and crying, trying to get away," I could feel the sadness in his voice.

Minho pulled me in tighter, placing a gentle kiss on my head. His hand holding my back, slid under my shirt tracing along my spine. This made me relax almost instantly. I felt every single muscle in my body loosen up and I melted completely into him.

"Does that feel good?" He chuckled sweetly, noticing the change in my body.

"Mhmm," I gently hummed in response. His free hand found its way under my chin, pulling my face up to his. His lips gently collided with mine, molding together perfectly.

Pulling away before things got to heated, he offered me a reassuring smile. Just to teased him, I slowly kissed down his jaw and down his neck before laying my head back onto his chest.

"As much as I'd love to continue, it is quite literally the middle of the night, and I have to get up early, and you need to get your beauty sleep," his hand still remained under my shirt, running his fingers lightly along the bare skin of my back.

"I love you, Min."

"I love you too princess."

Not even minutes later, I found myself drifting into a comforting sleep.

Sorry this one is super short! I hope you still enjoyed 🫶🏻

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