Newt [1]

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{Newt's POV}

"Newt, baby, I need to get up," Y/n's voice gently waking me up. "mmm, five more minutes," I buried my face into the crook of her neck, and held her tighter. "If I'm late, Minho is going to kill me," a giggle echoed through the air.

"Ugh, fine." I reluctantly rolled off of her letting her get up. My eyes watched her closely as she changed into her running clothes. She looked into the mirror and threw her hair into a ponytail.

"Okay, I gotta go babe." I slid my body out of bed, making my way to her side. My arms lazily snaked around her waist and hers around my neck. Her lips gently connected with mine.

"Promise me you'll be safe and come back to me."

"I promise I'll be safe and come back to you, Newt." I placed one more kiss on her lips before she walked out of our hut door.

I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding before laying back in our bed. Knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep, I stared at the wooden ceiling.

Without her, I couldn't fall asleep. There was something about y/n that made it so easy. Her smell and everything about her made me so calm and so happy. She made the nightmares go away.

After my accident I had a hard time with even my friends going in there. However, having the love of my life out there in a maze full of grievers makes me feel so much worse.

As a distraction, I got out of bed and got ready for the day.


Working in the gardens all day was a relaxing job. Picking weeds, picking fruits and vegetables, and fertilizing the plants. We keep the greenery around here looking nice. Makes the space more put together and calming.

No matter how relaxing my job was, my mind couldn't help but wander. All I could think about was her. Her voice, her smell, her hair, her smile, her jokes. I missed that, every single waking minute of the day when I'm not with her. I've been so dependent on her since we got together. She's just always been there for me, and she helped me through some of my toughest times.

As I worked throughout the day I kept glancing at the stone doors. Even though it was day time, the maze looked dark and gloomy. I wondered how Y/n could do it every day. When I was a runner, it took a toll on me. I don't understand how she can do it and stay so happy, so cheerful. She truly is one of the strongest people I know.

Looking up at the sun, it started to sink in the sky. Seeing other gladers wrap up their work for the day, I decided to do the same. My eyes scanned the glade, looking for any signs of Y/n. Not seeing her, I started to search for a small curly haired boy.

I started walking around to various places where I thought he might be. That's when I heard her angelic voice.

"Hi,Chuckie!" I look up from the ground to see the two standing under a tree. Her back was facing me, with her hands on her hips.

{Y/n's POV}

I stood under the shade of a giant oak tree, facing Chuck. I walked over here from the map room after I was finished. The first person I saw was Chuck. As I was talking to the smaller boy, I felt arms snake around my waist.

"Hi, love," he whispered in my ear. His breath in my ear and against my neck, making me shiver.

"Hi, babe." I giggled and turned to face him. I watched as his eyes drifted from mine, down to my lips, and back up to my eyes. I leaned in and placed a quick peck on his soft lips.

"Ew, gross." Chuck commented from behind us.

"Sorry, buddy, I just love my girlfriend sooooo much. I just can't help myself." I laughed as he pulled me in for more kisses.

"Okay, Newt, let's not scar the poor kid. He's just a baby." His arms slowly left my waist so I could turn around.

"I'm sorry Chuck. Anyway, let's go get in line for dinner. I'm starving." I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards the kitchen. I knew Newt followed closely behind me.

The three of us got our food and sat down at our regular table. Minho and Alby were already sitting there.


"Babe, I'm gonna go take a shower," I grabbed my towel and looked at Newt laying on our bed. He shook his head, shaking out his freshly washed hair.

"Okay love." I walked over to the bed and gave him a quick kiss before walking off to the showers.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the hot shower, making sure I closed the door behind me.


"Shit, I forgot clothes," I looked around the room remembering I forgot clothes to change into after my shower. I looked down at the clothes I had changed out of and grimaced. That would just defeat the purpose of showering.

"Whatever, it's dark anyway. I'll just run." I picked my dirty clothes up from the ground and walked to the shower room door. I opened it slowly and peaked around before I bolted to our hut. Quickly, I opened and closed the door, pressing my body against it.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing?" A small chuckled came from his upturned lips.

"I forgot clothes before I left to take a shower and I didn't want to put on my dirty clothes because then I would be getting myself dirty again. So I just made sure no one was looking and I ran here." I walked over to our dresser and pulled out pajamas to wear.

Letting my towel slip to the floor, I then threw on a t-shirt and pajama pants. Grabbing my towel off the floor I hung it up on the hook.

"Okay, come here love." Seeing him with open arms, I quickly crawled on the bed and placed my head on his chest.

"Goodnight my love." Newt whispered and peppered kisses on my forehead.

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