Minho [3]

104 1 3

Contains smut

Not edited

"Why do you hate me so much?"

Minho was a tough person to deal with. Ever since y/n came up in the box he had a standoffish attitude towards her. Maybe it was because the two were so similar. She had no idea.

The first couple of days she was here, the dark haired boy was somewhat friendly, but all of the sudden something flipped. She never said or did anything to him, Newt always told her to 'give him time' but it's been over a year.


Y/n and Fry stood in the small kitchen, preparing dinner for the Glade. Her hair tied up in a ponytail, keeping it out of her face as she worked. Her apron hung from her neck and secured around her waist. Anyone who laid their eyes on the girl couldn't deny she was gorgeous. Most of the boys in the glade had a crush on her at some point. However, they now saw her as a sister...and for Chuck, she was a mother figure.

Anyone who tried to spark a romantic relationship with Y/n, got immediately shot down. They weren't the person she wanted most. She wanted the boy who wanted nothing to do with her. Having him be so harsh to her really hurt her feelings, but she can't let go of him.

"Earth to, Y/n?" Fry called from beside her.

"Huh, what? Sorry," she offered him a shy smile and turned her attention to him.

"I just asked for you to check the pie in the oven, but you were off in lalaland," he joked and slightly patted her shoulder.

"Sorry, Fry. I'll check it right now," she opened up the oven, seeing the pie was done she took it out and placed it on the counter.

"Thank you, shebean!" Her eyes instinctively rolled at the nickname.

"Fry, I've been here for how long? And you still call me that." She giggled softly and continued making dinner.

"It's just a nickname and it just stuck! Also, if you want to take a couple hour break you can. Just make sure you're back before we have to serve." She gave him a curt nod, taking her apron off and hanging it a hook.

As she opened the door and started to walk out, her eyes landed on Minho. Their eyes locked for a couple seconds before he left her gaze with a different expression then she expected. Instead of the usual hatred he had on his face, it was a mix of something she couldn't quite understand.

Her eyes fixed on the back of the boy. She analyzed the way his toned muscles flexed under his shirt. The flesh of her lip found its way between her teeth and she watched him. His hair perfectly gelled, her hands just wanted to run through it and pull on it. The way his back flexed made her go feral on the inside. She huffed out a breath and went to go find Chuck.

Y/n saw the familiar mop of curly brown hair cleaning something off the ground. He looked up and saw her walking towards him.

"Y/n!" Chuck ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi, Chuckie. How are you doing?" Her eyes softened and her heart melted looking down at the smaller boy.

"I'm good! How are you?" She ruffled his hair and gave him a genuine smile.

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