Minho [1]

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Running. Thats all the two ever did. Every single day. Nonstop. Trying to find a way out of that god forsaken hell hole. Being runners, they saw the dark side of the maze.

Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts by her name being called. Minho sat in front of her waving his hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention. "You okay shebean?" His face contorted into a concerned look. "Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry I was just in my head."

He nodded his head, understanding. He could tell something was off about her today, but he just let it slide for now. He sat against one of the stone walls finishing his sandwich. He looked over at his partner, watching her stare off at nothing.

Her mind was racing about a million things. She worried that they were never going to find a way out, and she couldn't keep her mind off someone. That someone happened to be sitting right next to her. Ever since she came up in the box her and Minho had become so close. When she became a runner, they got even closer. Her crush on him only got worse and worse. But she knew there was nothing happening between them ever. He only saw her as a best friend, a sibling.

She pushed all of that aside and stood up, wiping the dust off her butt. "You ready?" She asked looking at the boy still sitting on the ground. "Yeah, are you? You seem out of it today."

"I'm good, just tired...I couldn't sleep last night."

"Nightmares again?"

The girl nodded her head yes and extended a hand to help him up. Without saying a word he started jogging, wanting to finish their section of the day. She followed right behind him not saying a word.

After running around countless corners and turns they made their way back to the glade. She felt the ground change through her shoes. The hard concrete changed to grass and dirt. She focused on the feeling of the ground hitting the bottom of her shoes to calm her racing mind. Once they made it to the map room they started to draw out what they saw.

Looking at the map on the table and the papers they've been drawing on she starts to fall back in a hole again. We aren't going to make it out. We are all gonna die here. We are stuck here forever. They are going to hate me for not getting them out.

Minho looked over at the girl and saw she was spiraling. "Y/n are you sure you're okay?" She couldn't do it anymore. She slammed her pencil on the table and rush out of the map room. The door slamming shut behind her. Minho sat there shocked looking around the empty room.

The door opened revealing Thomas who had just got back from his run.

"What's up with y/n? I saw her practically running away from here."

"I have no idea," he sighed, putting his pencil down and looking up at Thomas.

"Go find her, I can finish my map by myself."
Minho gave him an appreciative nod and walked out of the room. It was close to dinner time so he figured he would see her there. To no avail he sat at his table only surrounded by boys. No girl in sight. Newt and Thomas also noticed her absence.

After he finished his dinner he walked out of the cafeteria and made his way to where he knew she would be. He looked around the glade and spotted her beneath her favorite tree. Minho scanned her face, her blank facial expression and bloodshot eyes said everything he needed to know.

The sound of his footsteps finally snapped her out of her trance. She quickly wiped her eyes, looking away from the boy right in front of her.

"Okay, enough with the B.S. and tell me what's going on in the pretty head of yours." Completely disregarding the compliment she just shook her head. "Y/n," his voice turned stern, wanting an answer out of her.

She finally looked at him and his expression made her break.

"I feel like we are never getting out of here. I feel like we are stuck. I hate that I can't keep my mind off of you because I know there is nothing between us and you just think of me as a-," her words were physically stopped from coming out of her mouth as Minho connected his lips to hers. His hands cupped her cheeks pulling her even closer, if that was even possible. The two pulled away, slightly out of breath.

"Well, are you done saying stupid shit now?" He asked sending her a smile. She just nodded her head, burying her face in her knees, trying to hide her blush. He sits beside her and looks down at Y/n.

"Come here," he opened his arms for her to crawl into. Her head laid against his chest and her body moved to his lap.

"We are working on getting out of here. I'll get you out of here. I promise," Minho placed gentle, reassuring kisses on her head.

"Did you eat dinner?" She asked quietly, finally looking up at the black haired boy. He gave her a simple nod in response, "did you eat?"

"Yeah I got in line early and Fry gave me first plate." Satisfied with her answer one of his hands rubbed her back.

"Come on, Min, I wanna go to bed." The girl whined as the air outside began to chill.

"Okay, okay come on." Minho helped her off the ground and intertwined his fingers with hers.

The two walked towards the homestead, finding y/n's room.

"Okay, get some sleep. We gotta run in the morning," he pulled y/n in for one last hug before he left her for the night.

"Min, stay with me, please," her eyes searched his.

"Princess, if Alby finds me in your room, he'll skin me." She lightly laughed knowing it was true.

"What Alby doesn't know won't hurt him," her adorable smile was all he needed to be convinced.

"If I die I'm blaming you." Her laugh filled his ears. She opened her door, letting him in. Without hesitation she flopped down on her bed, waiting for Minho to do the same.

The two settled in, finding comfort in one another's embrace.

"You think we were together before the maze?" Her question breaking the comfortable silence.

"Who knows...maybe we were. I feel like we have always had a connection since the day you got here." She nodded her head in agreement.

"I just knew I couldn't keep my eyes off of you though. Ask Newt. He caught me staring at you any chance I could." The two laughed as he confessed to his actions. "You're a dork." "Yeah but you love me."

"Yeah, I do." She snuggled in closer to his body, never wanting this to end.

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