Newt [2]

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My eyes shot open, my lungs fighting to get air. The rapid movement of whatever I was in making me nauseous. I rolled over on my stomach, retching, trying to subside the nausea. The screeching sound of some kind of animal pierced my ears.

Coming to my senses I rolled over onto my back, propping my body up with my elbows. A bright red light slightly burned my eyes, but it suddenly turned green with a loud buzzer. The cage that carried me lurched to a stop, violently throwing me flat on my bad.

"Ow," I lightly breathed out and watched the ceiling above me open. The blinding light from the outside world made me cover my eyes. As they adjusted, I looked around seeing a large group of boys looking down on me.

"It's a girl!" Multiple of them shouted. My heart was pounding in my chest as I nervously backed into a corner. Suddenly, the cage shook as a sandy blond jumped down with me. He slowly crouched down in front of me, showing he meant no harm.

His face was calm and gentle, his brown eyes showed nothing but kindness, his dark blond hair slightly in his face. I wasn't going to lie, he was extremely attractive.

"Hey, greenie! My name is Newt, do you know your name?" I was slightly shocked to hear an accent in his voice. As I heard his question, I raked my brain for an answer...but found nothing.

"I-I don't know," he must've sensed my confusion.

"It's okay, you'll get it back in a day or two. That's the one thing they let us keep in here." I raised a brow, even more confused but I decided not to press anymore questions.

"How about we get you out of the box? Shall we?" His suggestion was music to my ears. I wanted to get out of this rusty cage, filled with animals and boxes.

"Yeah, that would be great." He gave me a warm smile and offered me his hand. I greatly took his hand and he helped climb out of the box.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Alright, everyone back to work!" I saw dark complected man call out. His demeanor was slightly intimidating, but I couldn't quite read him yet. He walked over to me and Newt, outstretching his hand to me, "I'm Alby, the leader of these shuckheads." His voice was deep but gentle. I could tell he was a good person just by the way he talked to me. "Let me give you the tour."


I can't believe anything about this place. I thought I was just going to wake up any minute from a bad dream, but to no avail I was stuck here. The people I have met have been nice.

I quickly found Newt as the bonfire was starting. I sat against the log right next to him.

"How are you doing, love?" I felt heat rush to my cheeks at the nickname. "I'm alright I guess...I just wish I at least knew my name," I sighed looking deeply into the flames of the fire.

"Just try and think about, maybe it will come to you." His smile made butterflies in my stomach flutter around. There was something about him that was so familiar. I was drawn to him, but I didn't have an answer to why.

I once again searched my brain for any memory or glimpse of my name. I found something, it was right on the tip of my tongue. Y/n.

"I got it Newt! I got it!" I grabbed his arm excitedly. He once again flashed me that charming smile. "Go on then love. What is it?" He chuckled at my enthusiasm. "I'm Y/n!"

"Well, isn't that a beautiful name," he once again made me blush with his kind words. I could feel something between us. Something that was there before. I couldn't really understand what I was feeling, but it was there in the back of my mind.

"Now we have to go introduce the guest of honor! Come on, this bonfire is for you." Newt got to his feet and helped me to mine. I think I was going to like it here.

Just a short little Newtie imagine. We love him 🫶🏻❤️

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