Newt [4]

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"Don't bring her up, Minho"

~Trigger warning: talking about Newt's mental health and his accident

Y/n was Newt's entire reason for existing. Her smile could light up a room. Her laugh could make the whole glade laugh. No one could deny how beautiful she was, inside and out. Her kindness radiated through everyone around her.

She was nicknamed 'the glade mom' because she took care of everyone. She was EVERYONE'S favorite person.

One day, she never came back from her run. The whole glade felt as if it was empty.

Newt couldn't bear life without here. The girl was the reason for his attempted suicide. The love of his life had died doing her job.

The day after she didn't come back, Minho and all the runners searched the entire maze. They had looked in every corner of the maze, but found nothing but a bloody piece of fabric.

Newt was completely beside himself, he was broken. Minho partially blamed himself, wishing he would have kept a closer eye on her. However, Newt could never place the blame on his best friend.

He stayed in his room, depressed, not talking to anyone. He didn't eat for days at a time. When he did eat it was a minuscule amount. The only people he would talk to was Alby and Minho.

As the days, weeks, and months went by he slowly started to open back up.

Every now and again his mental health would slip. At one of his lows, he tried to take him life, jumping off the maze walls.

He was mad he survived, he didn't want to do life without Y/n anymore. He tried, but he needed her in his life.


A new greenie had just arrived in the glade the previous day. A short tubby boy with curly brown hair. He was full of questions and curious about everything.

Minho, Chuck, Newt and Alby all sat down having lunch.

Newt played with the pendant that had y/n's initial on it. "Newt, what's around your neck?" Chuck asked, tilting his head like a puppy. Before he could answer, Minho stepped in. "Oh, it's his girlfriend's initial."

"Don't bring her up, Minho" Newt's eyes began to water. He instantly regretted snapping at his friend, realizing he was just informing the boy.

"I'm sorry, Newt" the look on Minho's face broke his heart.

"No, Minho I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. You were just telling Chuck. I am just still sensitive about her."

"I get it, we all are," Minho tapped Newt on the back for reassurance.

"Who was she?" Chuck asked shyly.

"She was the love of my life. She died doing her job in the maze." His head hung low as memories filled his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The boys could tell he felt bad for bringing her up.

"It's okay, she is in a better place now." Newt smiled as he thought of his love. One day they would be reunited.

He didn't realize how soon this would actually be.

Sorry for the short chapter, I have been super busy, buttttt it's been a while since I've updated.

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