Minho [4]

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"Hey Min, you feeling okay?" The girl's eyes scanned his body. He looked sick, his skin was pale, his eyes were drained.

No response.

"Min?" Again he just stood, staring at her. The veins in his neck and forehead started to bulge. He was mad, angry even.

Y/n gently stepped forward, reaching a hand out to touch him. Before she could, his hand gripped tightly around his wrist. A yelp fell from her lips at the sudden action. Minho roughly threw her to the ground. Her body hit with a loud thud.

"Minho, what are you doing?" She tried to scurry to her feet, but fell again due to a kick to her stomach. He grabbed her jacket, yanking her to her feet. Her eyes scanned his face and the person she saw wasn't her boyfriend. He was gone, consumed by the flare.

His hands wrapped around her throat, constricting her airway. Y/n's hands clawed at Minho's trying to loosen his grip. He was not fazed by her attempts or the sound of her choking. Her vision began to go blurry and she was lightheaded. Minho was long gone, he would never do anything to hurt her.


She reached for the gun in her holster, she had to do something. She gripped the gun and held it to his stomach, one of his hands grabbed it and tried to force it out of her hand. He successfully pried it from her hands, but instead of pointing it at her, he put it to his head.

"Min, no!" The other hand around her neck dropped. She coughed before pulling the gun away from his head. In the struggle the sound of a gun went off.

She felt no pain, she looked down and checked her body. Then a body fell to the ground, Minho. She was quick to be by his side. Screaming, crying, begging him to wake up.


"Baby, wake up," she gasped and sat up. Her body was hot, covered in sweat and tears fell from her eyes. The girl scanned the room, they were in the safe haven, Minho was right next to her. He looked mildly concerned but he was there.

Her chest still heaved, trying to catch her breath. Minho's strong arms pulled her body into his, his lips pressed against her temple. Her hands gripped at his arms, making sure he was real, he was there. Broken sobs rang through the room.

"Hey, hey, baby. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here," he placed more kisses on the top of y/n's head. Hot, salty tears rolled down her cheeks. It was just a nightmare, he was alive. The girl pivoted her body, facing the dark haired boy. She placed her hands on his cheeks, scanning his facial features.

"Thank god this is real," she breathed a sigh of relief. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"What happened baby, tell me," Minho pulled her completely into his lap, his hands sitting on her waist. The boy watched her lip quiver and more tears form into her eyes. Y/n's hands moved from his cheeks to wrapping her arms around his neck. She placed her face in the crook of his neck. Minho protectively wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You died," sobs raked her body. The dream still haunting her while she was awake. "Oh, princess. I'm here. Baby, I'm alive," Minho gently rubbed her back.

"I know," she quietly sniffled into his neck, "but it felt so real." "I know it did, but it wasn't real. Look at me," He pulled her away from him to look in her eyes. Tears pooled along her lash line, some falling down her cheeks. However, Minho swiped them away with his thumb. Leaning forward, he gently connected their lips.

"See, baby, I'm right here," he kissed her forehead one more time before laying the two back down.

"Try and get some sleep princess, I'll stay up until you do. Okay?" She nodded her head, burying her face into his chest.

Not edited

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