Thomas [6]

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"You can't tell me you love me"

Thomas and Y/n have been best friends since she came up in the maze. They were practically joined at the hip. However, there were denied feelings behind their friendship. Not knowing the other person felt the same.

Since day one they have been flirtatious towards each other, but after a bonfire one night, everyone changed.

"Tommy boy, come here!" The girl giggled, slightly tipsy. She stood standing next to Minho and the other runners.

"What's up y/n/n?" A huge grin spread across his face just seeing her. She skipped toward him, meeting him in the middle. Her arms slung around his neck and her legs rapped around his waist. Thomas was slightly caught off guard, but nonetheless he wrapped his arms around her body.

"I just wanted to give you a hug, I missed you today," Her words slightly slurred. He let out a slight laugh as he walked over to Minho with y/n still attached.

"I think it's time for her to go to bed," Minho patted her back lightly.

"I agree, I'll take her," Thomas readjusted his grip so she wouldn't fall.

"Well, with the way she's holding you, I don't think she would let anyone else take her." The two laughed at the drunk girl.

"Night Min."

"Night Thomas."

"Goodnight Y/n!" He called as Thomas started walking away. Her head perked up to look at him.

"Goodnight gel head!" She broke into a fit of laughter at her own joke. Minho tried not to take it to heart because she was drunk, but his ego was slightly tainted.

Thomas soon got her to her room. "Y/n, we are here. You gotta get down now." Her legs unwrapped from his waist, her feet gently touching the ground.

Thomas's eyes locked with hers, they sparkled in the dim light of the room. He looked between her eyes and her lips. She appeared to be doing the same. As y/n was leaning in the truth started spilling out, "Thomas."

"What?" His hands dropped to her waist.

"I love you" his face dropped. This was his dream come true, but she was drunk.

"You can't tell me you love me" he needed y/n to be sober for that to mean anything. Watching her face turn sad broke his heart.

Thomas helped her get into pajamas before helping her into bed. "Why can't I tell you I love you?" Her bottom lip quivered. "Don't cry, I just need to hear you say it when you're sober," he ran his thumb over her cheek, kissing her forehead.

Her eyes turned heavy, closing completely. Once Thomas knew y/n was asleep he left quietly. He sat in his hammock that night contemplating life.

Ever since that day they got touchier, more flirty, and closer. Y/n didn't really remember what happened that night, but Thomas did.

A new greenie had just arrived this morning, meaning there would be a bonfire tonight. That was everyone's favorite time of the month.

Fry and Y/n finished up their work on the kitchen for the night. She hasn't seen Thomas all day and she missed him.

She walked towards the burn pile, thinking he would be there. She scanned the area, not seeing him. However, she did see Minho.

"Min Min!"

"Hey y/n/n!" He pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Where is Tommy?" She asked curiously.

"Mmm he should be around here somewhere. He'll be here soon. I'll let you know if I see him."

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