Thomas [4]

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Y/n's eyes scanned their surroundings. Her fingers intertwined with Thomas as they walked towards the huge walls. People were starting to crowd and move faster. Bodies were pushing past the group. This could be there only way to get Minho back.

A van drove through the crowd eerily slow. The men on top giving the girl a strange look. There was something so familiar about him. She shook it off when the sounds of metal creaking filled their ears. Her eyes met a giant gun like thing, pointing at the entire crowd.

A missile launched and landed a couple of yards from the group. Y/n let out a shriek as Thomas started to drag her in the opposite way. Her ears started to ring from the explosion close to her.

"Y/n, let's go! Move faster," Thomas yelled, looking back at her struggling due to the power of the explosion throwing her around. People were falling from left to right, people getting trampled to the ground. They turned a corner and hid behind a concrete wall, finding shelter. Thomas pulled his hand away from Y/n's so he could peer around the corner. Newt stood next to the girl, panting. Her eyes searched her surroundings, she saw the men from earlier getting closer. Before she could do anything they were grabbing Fry and Newt.

"Y/n!" Thomas screamed before you were getting dragged away from him.

"Thomas!" She tried reaching for him but it was no use. The masked man carried her like she was weightless, throwing her in the back of a van.

"Y/n?" Brenda's voice quietly asked.

"Oh, thank god. What the hell is going on?" She looked up and saw Brenda leaning against the wall of the car. No one else was in the van with them. Great.

"I have no idea, but I'm worried," Brenda fiddled with her fingers.

"Me too, where was Jorge?" During their time in the scorch Brenda and Y/n has become like sisters. Therefore Jorge became a father figure to her. Y/n and Brenda were his girls, his daughters he never had.

The two girls sat there with a masked man, impatiently waiting to see where they were headed.

The van abruptly stopped, slightly jerking the girl's bodies. The man opened the door and shoved them out. Before they could get their bearings, they heard yelling.

"Where are my girls?!" Jorge's voice rung through the air and a guard was thrown from a vehicle.

"Y/n?!" Thomas's voice was also heard. She saw a frantic boy looking around the area. Joining Jorge beating up a guard.

"Hey, we are right here!" Thomas was the first to look up, locking eyes with Y/n.

"WHERE ARE MY GIRLS?!" Jorge screamed one more time before Brenda and Y/n rushed towards him and Thomas. "Jorge, we are right here! We're okay," Brenda touched his arm, causing him to look up. Thomas rushed to wrap his arms around the girl.

"Oh thank god you're okay, baby," he planted a rough kiss on her forehead before letting her hug Jorge. The fatherly figures eyes scanned the girls' bodies for any injuries.

"Jorge...we are okay. I promise!" Brenda and Y/n nestled their way into his arms. He was now able to breathe, the weight on his chest, lifted.

"Did they touch you? Hurt you?" He once again scanned them for any marks.

"No, we are fine," Y/n placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, going back to Thomas's side.

His fingers quickly laced with hers as the group faced the masked men. The one in the middle slipped off his helmet.

Gally, he's alive.

"Hey, greenie," his chest heaved, being out of breath. Y/n felt Thomas's hand fall from hers. He slightly stepped forward towards Gally.

"Gally?" His voice shaky, confused. The two stare at each other. Everyone else around waited for something to happen.

Thomas lunged at Gally, punching him across the face. Following him to the ground, Thomas got on top of him.

Newt rushed to his side grabbing him. Y/n stood there in shock, but quickly moved to her boyfriend.

"He killed Chuck," his voice angry.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I was there too. Remember? But I also remember he was stung, and half out of his mind," Newt held his arm, keeping him from hitting him again.

"Tommy, calm down," Y/n grabbed his other shoulder, trying to get him to let go of Gally. He jerked off the ground, standing up.

"Baby, look at me," he looked her in the eyes, instantly feeling better. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too, Tommy."

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