Thomas [5]

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'I should've died. Not him.'

Thomas had been out for a couple of days after the group had made it to the safe haven. Y/n hasn't gotten sleep since that night. She is constantly checking up on Thomas, hoping each time she sees him, he'll be awake. It's starting to wear the girl down. Simple tasks have been hard to do with the lack of sleep. Minho always giving the constant reminder of how unkept she looked.

"Y/n, he will wake up soon. You really want him seeing you like that? Go shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes. You shucking reak," The dark haired boy plugged his nose, adding drama.

"Shuck off! I don't want to leave him," She sat in a chair right by his side.

"I will stay here while you go. You need a break and a shower," Y/n let out a huff of hair, knowing Minho was right. She stood up and made her way to her very own hut/house to take a shower.

She slipped out of her clothes and brushed her hair out before turning on the shower head. Once it was an adequate temperature she slipped under the water. Y/n closed her eyes and enjoyed the blissful feeling of the water running down her body. She should've done this sooner, but she couldn't bear the thought of leaving Thomas. She trusted Minho to sit with him, but she wanted to be there for him when he woke up.

The girl finished up with her shower, turning off the water, stepping out of it, and wrapping a towel around her body. Her feet carried her out of the bathroom into her bedroom and to her dresser. She hurried to get dressed, not wanting to be away from Thomas any longer.

She quickly braided her hair so it was out of her face before running out of the door. Scanning her surroundings she saw Minho out and about.

"Min!" She called slightly upset.

"Yeah?" He questioned with a raised brow.

"You promised you would stay with Thomas!" Seeing his carefree attitude made her mad.

"Well, it's kinda hard to babysit him when a grown man is walking around," he cracked a smirk moving out of her eyesight, letting her see past him. A mixture of sadness and happiness riddled through her body as she laid her eyes on Thomas. He was up and walking around, talking to people.

Tears filled her eyes as she took off running towards him. "Thomas!" The boy quickly turned around and saw her face. "Y/n!" He took a few steps forward as she collided with him. A groan of pain left his throat, but he didn't care.

All his worries were washed away, she was okay. She was alive.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I wanted to be, but Minho made me go shower," she whispered into his neck, clinging to him.

"It's okay, baby, I'm just glad you're alive. That's all I need," he breathed in her scent, rubbing his hand up and down her back. Her world felt complete again. She no longer had to worry about if he would wake up or not.

He reluctantly let go and looked into her glassy eyes. His thumb swiped along her cheek, wiping the stray tears that had fallen down them.

"Come on Tommy, let's go sit by the fire," their fingers intertwined as the two made their way to the fire.

Everyone was in a circle listening to Vince talk. Thomas, however, couldn't get out of his head.

"Hey," Minho came up to you two with something in his hand.

"You had this one you when you were out. Figured I'd keep it safe for you," The Asian boy handed Thomas a necklace with a pendant on it.

"Thank you, man," Thomas offered him a soft smile, letting the pendant sit in the palm of his hand.

"Yeah, of course," With that, the boy walked away, leaving the two of you alone again.

The boy opened the silver capsule, a rolled up piece of paper falling out. Y/n instantly knew what it was. "Do you want me to stay with you? Or do you want me to let you read it alone?" She knew that sometimes you need space to read something as important as that letter was.

"Can I read it alone?" His voice was quiet. She didn't want him to feel guilty for asking her to leave. She understood what he was feeling. "Of course, come find me when you're ready," she placed a chaste kiss on his lips and walked to find Brenda and Minho.

An hour had passed before everyone started heading to bed. Thomas had yet to come find the girl. She shrugged it off and figured he headed to bed or something. She headed back to her hut, opening and closing the door behind her. The living room portion was empty, but a small light was on in her room. Thomas's boots were by the door.

She quickly kicked off her shoes and padded to her bedroom. Quiet sniffles got louder as she got closer to the room.

"Tommy?" Her eyes landed on his framed curled up on her bed. She sat on the edge of the bed, right next to him. Tears continued to fall from his eyes and down his freckled cheeks. Gently, she ran her fingers against his arm.

The boy sat up and locked eyes with his love. She felt pity seeing his broken expression. Instinctively, Y/n opened her arms. Thomas quickly melted into them, sobbing even harder. His grip on her body was so tight, she struggled to breathe a little. However, she didn't mind. One hand rubbed his back while the other cradled his head against her body.

"I should've died. Not him." Words formed between broken sobs. Hearing the guilt he felt brought tears to her eyes. She didn't want him to feel this pain. She wished she could take it all away. "Don't say that, babe. Newt doesn't blame you and you know that. He isn't suffering anymore. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself," She whispered gently in his ear. He knew she was right, but his heart still hurt.

"Come here, lay down with me," the boy nodded his head and watched as the girl laid down on the bed, opening her arms. Thomas quickly found his spot in her arms, his face resting against her chest. Y/n's soft lips pressed kisses on the top of his head and forehead.

"I love you. You know that right?" She looked down at the heartbroken boy. He silently nodded his head. "I could never blame you for what happened. Newt wouldn't either. He would be thanking you right now. He was in pain."

"I know, but it still hurt so bad," His grip around her tightened, scared that if he let go, she would be gone.

"Tommy, I'm not going anywhere. We are safe now. Nothing is ever going to hurt us again," he looked up at her and gave her a quick kiss before laying his head back down. The girls nails lightly ran against his clothed back, soothing him.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, Tommy."


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