Minho [5]

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"Baby, tell me what's going on in the pretty head of yours."

I sat and waited for Minho to get back from running. Everyone at my dinner table was chatting away while I picked at my food. The last few weeks in the glad have been gloomy. Minho had been coming back without any good news, which had started to affect me. My life plan was to grow old, have babies, and get married to the love of my life. However, at this point that was not the case anymore. We were stuck, forever.

"Does anyone want my food? I'm not really hungry tonight" I pushed my plate to the middle of the table, getting up from the picnic table.

"I'll take it!" Three of the boys fought over it, but I just left and started heading to my hut.

Taking off my work clothes, I threw on one of Minho's shirts with pajama shorts. I pulled the comforter from the bed, slipping under it. My back faced the door, waiting for Minho.

My mind was racing and thinking about everything going wrong. Tears started to form in my eyes, some rolling down my cheeks. There was no escape, we were stuck here, we were going to die here. As much as I loved the glade, I wanted out.

I could hear the door open and quickly close. I didn't want him to see me crying, so I pretended to be asleep.

"Hey, princess sorry I got caught-" his words got stuck in his throat.

"Andddd she's asleep," he sighed somewhat sadly. I could hear clothes rustling before his weight made the bed dip. Silent tears continued to roll down my cheeks. His body pressed against my back, engulfing me in his presence.

"Goodnight baby," he whispered gently, leaning over me. Minho pressed his lips to my cheek, immediately feeling wetness. He pulled back and examined my face.

"Baby?" He had a worried tone laced in his voice.

"Hmm?" Was all I could muster up.

"Roll over, come here."

So I did.

I rolled over and let myself sink into him. Once again the tears picked up, and the sobs raked my body. But, he just held me. His calloused hands applied gentle, comforting pressure on my back.

Minho whispered words of encouragement, hoping this would help me stop crying.

"Baby, tell me what's going on in the pretty head of yours."

"We're. Stuck. Forever." Was all I could say in between my pitiful cries.

"No, no princess. Don't say that. It's not true." He grabbed my face making me look at him.

"Yes it's true."

"I was going to tell you when I walked in that Thomas might have found away out." My sobs stopped, leftover tears still falling.


"Yes, baby, Thomas might have found a way out. We are getting out of here," a certain sparkle lit his eyes and I could see his optimism.

"I'm just scared."

"I know princess, me too, but I'll make sure I get you out of here" He flashed me his charming grin before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

I know it's short...sorry guys! I have been having super bad writers block 🥲. Please leave your suggestions in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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