Night 1 (Part 1) - The Awakening

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                 The teacher slammed on my desk, awakening me from my slumber. "Well, Ms. [Y/N] [L/N]. If you want to doze off in my class, then go ahead and doze off later in DETENTION!" she yells at me. I hated her, to the core. She was rotten, and didn't care about her student's health. Oh, how I wished I had Kira's teacher, Ms. Evelyn. But I had to get stuck with this asshole. Ms. Johnson is my teacher, supposedly the only teacher willing to teach a human. Well, the only teacher programmed to teach a human. There isn't a day that goes by that I wish that I wasn't born a human. Ever since a virus breakout in 2019, people have been said to be born as "nonahumanals" and have been classified into 7 species: Elves, Witches, Mermaids, Vampires, The Living Dead, the Dead, and Fairies. Each has their own cultures, their own languages, their own way of life. I classify as a human, the most boring species on Earth. But I love my life, cause I have my cool friends: Kira, Ivy, and Killian. Kira is an Elvish person, Ivy is Witchen, and Killian is from Vampsville, the home of the Vampires.

                 Kira is a tall elf who has light brown hair and a light skin tone. She has a messy bun and freckles, with her elf ears and her bright blue eyes. She often wears dark colored clothes, but occasionally, when it's one of her friends' birthdays, she would actually put in the effort to look good. Ivy's a witch who literally has one clothing item in her closet: she wears the same black and white dress every day. But she looks pretty in it, since it somehow matches her long, wavy, brown and blonde hair. Ivy has green eyes, and her skin tone is bright brown. Killian looks like someone straight out of a book. She has really short, white hair, and blood red eyes. Her skin is so pale, it's like there's no pigment at all in her. But she's way older than us all. I don't even remember how old she is. Oh right, she's about 1,784 years old. She's one of those students who break most of the rules on day 1, and her dressing is normally a crop top with cargo pants. And then there's me. Your average student, in a school built for nonahumanals. I have (insert hair color) with (insert skin tone). I, on a daily basis, wear (insert clothing). I have the most dull (insert eye color) eyes ever. I look so average and boring. Oh well.

                 All the nonahumanals have a different ability. Kira has incredible senses, but is just too lazy to actually use them. She can also teleport. Ivy can control plants, hence her name, and can also go invisible. Killian is the most overpowered out of all of us. She can turn into most reptiles, and some mammals, and she can control people, because she can do blood manipulation.

                 It's honestly intoxicating, how they have all these neat abilities, but you're stuck running around the house trying to help your disabled father. The worst part? I get exiled from the Summer Games, just because I don't have abilities, unlike the nonahumanals. I don't get any part in the Flight Trips, and I don't have any good classes, because I'm one of the only humans left.

                 Later in detention, our headmaster came over to me with an annoyed face. "Again, [Y/N]? That's the 4th time this month! Is everything alright at home?" she said. "Of course, I'm just a bit tired. Everything is alright.' Everything was not alright, my teacher doesn't care about me, my family is disabled in every way possible, how is everything alright? "Your punishment is--" "Hold up, I get a punishment? What for?" I blurt out. The headmaster continues. "As I was saying, your punishment is to learn all the nonahumanal languages. Any difficulty with this punishment will result in your suspension from this school for 2 weeks. I present to you, our new language teacher, Ms. Flopiana(don't ask). She will teach you all the languages. So, why don't you name the languages for our new teacher?" I sigh as I say the languages: Elvish, Witchen, Vampien, Sirenese, Banshee, Zumaki, and Fairish. This was going to be sweet.

                 She was actually a good teacher. Although she was strict. Ok, I'm lying. She's worse than Ms. Johnson. Ms. Flopiana was the devil, but as an animatronic. But this teacher was different from Ms. Johnson. Ms. Flopiana's words and actions were more kiddish and human than a normal AI. I thought to myself, "Maybe they updated the system! That way, these robots seemed more like humans, and Ms. Flopiana was a prototype." Maybe I would actually like this teacher, because she was way more human than my actual teacher. During lunch, I sat with Kira, Ivy, and Killian, for once. Ivy spawned some food, because she learned a spell in her class today that can make any food. It was not that bad: she gave me roasted chicken and bread with jam. I heard a faint sound of roller skates, and it gradually grew louder. Then it just stopped. "Hello, [Y/N]. How is lunch today? Is it poisonous, like you normally say?" Great, I forgot about this animatronic. Her name was Suzie Snacktime, and she apparently is the school cook. "Yep, not poisonous today, Suzie. You can leave now." But she didn't leave. She extended her arm and picked me up. "Hey, put me down!" I yelled. Suzie didn't respond. She just took me and rolled away. It took me a while to realize that we were going to the Robotics Center. But I didn't get it. Why would Suzie take me to the Robotics Center? I noticed that Kira was following me. She's so bad, yet so good at hiding. Then Ivy popped out from the wall, towards the ceiling. Of course she was flying. Then Killian popped out of the wall with Ivy. Now I was confused. Why was Kira outside? And why was I being taken away to--wait, I'm not going to the Robotics Center? Suzie and I entered the room. It was so bright, my vision had to adjust. Once they adjusted, I blurted out "Why are we in Parts and Services?!" Suzie's robotic voice came on. "You will see, [Y/N] [L/N]." I looked around. So many animatronics were just lying around the room. Many were unfinished. But there was one that caught my attention: a complete animatronic with a space in its stomach region open. This was concerning for two reasons: one, the stomach region was the perfect size for a skinny person like me to fit in, and two, we were heading right towards the animatronic. The animatronic had a few computers next to it. One said the words "[Y/N] [M/N] (middle name) [L/N]." That was my full name. I tried to get out of Suzie's arms, but it was hopeless. Rolling, rolling, rolling, and a sudden halt. Suzie grabbed me so tightly, I couldn't move. She moved slowly, but with intentions unknown. I inched towards the animatronic but stopped right before I was put inside.

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