Night 12 - The Surprise

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A/N: Help why am I still doing this. I'ma finish this book by the end of the spring break, yay.


                  I screamed as I fell. Was Moon trying to kill me? On my birthday? I hit something. But I didn't die. Apparently, the ball pit pool was about 8 feet deep, which was just enough for me to not hit the ground. I was semi-buried in the pool. I couldn't get out, not until Sundrop pulled me out. "Moony! You can't just drop [Y/N] into a ball pit pool! She could have suffocated!" Sundrop scolded Moondrop for a good 20 minutes. I just watched in annoyance. "Uh, hello?! I'm still here!" I snapped at them. They stopped the quarrel, as if their AI was lagging. After a few seconds, Sundrop turned to me and said "Sorry, [Y/N]. Let's show you the surprise!" He grabbed me by the arm and ran. Hold up, this felt way too familiar. I was experiencing deja vu. Where did I experience this before? Right, when Hanako took me out. I miss them. The oldie, Kira, Plantie, the twins. Where were they? Were they okay? Were they even alive? "[Y/N]! Look!" Sundrop pointed to the sky. There was nothing, not until fireworks flew up and exploded like popcorn. It was really pretty, even though it was loud. The final fireworks were ones that shot up and spelled out a letter. After a bit, the fireworks spelt out the comforting words "Happy Brithday!" I laughed a bit as I noticed a mistake. I didn't want to point it out though, because I thought it would make Sundrop sad. Moondrop appeared out of nowhere and yelled at Sundrop. "What were you thinking?! Those evil animatronics could come and get [Y/N] if they found out where the fireworks came from. And who knows what they would do to us if they learned that we were housing a human?! Are you out of your mind, Sunny?" Moondrop then whispered something into Sundrop's ear, which I didn't hear. "Oh. OH! How could I forget?" Sundrop blurted out. "[Y/N]!" He turned to me. "[Y/N]! We've noticed how you have been homesick and...well, lonely." "Was it that noticeable?" I asked. "Yes, it was. So me and Moony decided to allow find your father and friends!" He smiled, even though he was already smiling. "Are you kidding me?! I can actually see my friends? And my dad?!" I jumped at the two of them and squeezed them tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

                 That night was one of the longest nights of my life. We spent the entire time packing for my upcoming trip. Oh god, how was I going to survive with all these killer animatronics? Sundrop found a huge but raggy bag, so I could stuff a bunch of food and other supplies into it. Finally, at about 4:30 am, I finished packing. I figured the amount of food I would be taking was not sufficient. Guess I'm going on a diet. Sundrop and Moondrop were in the tiny balcony room, so I just yelled out "Bye! Thank you for everything!" I turned to face the door, and there they appeared. "Oh, no, no, no! Who said you were going by yourself?" Sundrop shook his finger. "We're coming with you." Moondrop added. He didn't seem very enthusiastic about joining me on my journey. "Besides, the amount of food you're taking is not enough. We have these compartments that could be useful." The stomach area of both the attendants opened to show a vast storage room. "What do you use those for?" I asked, very concerned. "We use them for oversized birthday cakes and pinatas. But we can fit a bunch of food in here." Sundrop responded to my concern. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. Now that I realized it, how come they didn't try to hurt me like the other animatronics? "Because, you're different." Moondrop said, still not very enthusiastic. Different? I was the most average girl on Earth. How was I different? "Yeah, sure. I guess. There's a bunch of food in the corner. Just stuff whatever you want in there." I leaned against the wall. The both of them zoomed over to the food corner, and were back with me within a minute. "That was quick." I said as I walked towards them. "Nevermind that. We have a trip to go on! Oo! What are we going to see! Will we find ancient artifacts? Will we?!" Sundrop jumped in the air. "No, Sunny. We're just going to find [Y/N] family and stuff. No traveling." Moondrop said as he opened the door. "Awe. Well, let's do this!" Sundrop skipped out the door as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Is he always like this?" I asked Moon as we exited the campus. "Sun's a ray of sunshine. Almost nothing can bring him down." Moon replied. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "So the animatronics have a lower chance of finding you." I was pretty noticeable, but I felt safe with Sun and Moon. This was going to be a long journey. 

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