Night 13 - The First Of Them

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                We walked for days, and days, and nights. My legs felt like they were going to fall apart at any moment. Surprisingly, we didn't really run into many killer things. Except the hyenas. One time, hyenas started chasing us. Maybe the lack of living things got to them. They almost ripped Sundrop apart, but Moon came to the rescue. Other than that, we didn't run into any threats. Yet. I think we were walking for about a month or so. I missed the Daycare. I felt safe there. "I was the first.." sobbed a voice nearby. Moondrop and Sundrop froze in their tracks. It looked like they knew what was going to happen. It was extremely foggy, so I could barely see 5 feet in front of me. "I was the first. I have seen everything." It sobbed again. Moondrop inched closer to the source of the sound. Out of nowhere, a pair of blinding red eyes shone towards us. Heavy stomping gradually grew louder. Until it stopped. I took a step forward, daring not to make a sound. I then saw it.

               It was so tall, taller than Sun and Moon. It was yellow in color, and had a bib on it saying "Let's Eat!" I was looking at...a giant chicken animatronic! Sun grabbed me by the arm and just ran, Moon following closely behind. They were surprisingly fast for their huge sizes, and I, I was getting dragged like I was a weathervane in the middle of a hurricane. After about 20 minutes of running, Sun slowed down. I finally managed to spit out the words "Who was that?!" "That was an animatronic named Chica. She was the first, and supposedly a contributor to this apocalypse." Moondrop said. "A CONTRIBUTOR?! So this mess is partly her fault?!" I yelled out. "Calm down, [Y/N]. But yes, Chica did contribute to this...end of the world situation." Sundrop added. Hearing those words made me hate animatronics even more, but I sorta felt relieved to know this wasn't entirely my fault. "Where even are we?" I asked. I looked around, but there was too much fog. "Locating current coordinates." Sundrop froze up. "We're probably in Northern Arkansas. Maybe even Mississippi." Moondrop smacked Sundrop, which brought him out of his daze. "Mississippi?!" I yelled out. "We're not even in my home town anymore?!" "Don't you want to find your friends? Then shut up." Moondrop started walking into the fog. "Wait up!" Sundrop grabbed me and we started the "me as a weathervane in the middle of a hurricane" scene again. Except that we ran until about midnight, when the fog cleared up. "How do you robots have so much stamina, dang?" "We're animatronics! We could run for days if we wanted to!" Sundrop put me down. "OK, but how do you have so much energy, even after all that running? We ran for half a day!" "We're daycare attendants. We obviously have so much patience and energy, 'cause we have to take care of those demon children." Moon leaned against the wall. We were hiding in an alleyway that night. It may be nasty, but it does the job. "Moony! You cannot call those poor kids "demon children" because that's mean!" Sundrop popped in after finding some supplies. "I speak the truth, Sun. Those kids are a handful." "Whatever." Sundrop said as he set up for the night.

                 It wasn't until 2 days later that I woke up. Sundrop was so happy I was back, and so was Moondrop. "[Y/N]! [Y/N]! You're finally awake! Are you alright?!" Sundrop kept asking me these questions, and he wouldn't let me go. He was so clingy. "We want the girl!" A crowd nearby was chanting this. "We have to run." Moondrop stated as he proceeded to grab me. I was still recovering from the blackout, so he just walked. Sundrop kept asking me if I was alright. It was nice to see that not all robots are evil and trying to kill you. I accidently dozed off in Moondrop's arms. It was peaceful. I slept until dawn the next day. "Wow! You sleep a lot, [Y/N]!" Sundrop said when I woke up. "Yeah, maybe because she normally doesn't sleep until midnight?! We're traveling for 20 hours a day. Where's the time to sleep?" Moondrop replied in my defense. "And, [Y/N]. Before you ask again, we're in Illinois." "WE'RE IN ILLINOIS?! WE'RE SO FAR AWAY FROM ARKANSAS!" "No dip, Sherlock. We have to continue." Moondrop said as he began walking. "Hey, isn't that Moondrop?" A voice from nearby said. "Who's there?!" Moondrop turned around sharply. "Wait, if Moondrop's there, then--" Heavy stomping followed this incomplete sentence. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something moved. I didn't see what it was. The sound of the stomping gradually grew faster and louder. "If Moondrop's there, then he'll have the girl!" The stand-up comedian from three days ago pounced onto me. "I have her! I have her! Chica, call the others!" Foxy said as he held me down. "Sundrop! Moondrop! Help!" I said as I struggled to escape. I tried to look back, and when I did, I saw that Sunny and Moony were tied up and being watched by Chica. "[Y/N]! Run!" Sundrop said as he struggled to untie himself. Chica walked over to me, picked me up and began walking away. "Let me go, you fat chicken!" I attempted to get out of her grasp. I looked behind me to see Sundrop and Moondrop attacking the other animatronics from the stage show. Then Moondrop diverted the attention to himself, and Sundrop ran towards me. It happened so quickly, but I was freed from Chica's grasp. "How did you escape?!" I asked as I shaked my arms, sore from being held so tightly. "Safety features." Sundrop said as he showed me his hand, which had switched out for a knife. He switched for his hand as Moondrop ran ahead of us. Sundrop grabbed me, and we just ran. It was not until the next dawn that we stopped running. "How many times do we have to do this?! I can take care of myself!" I told them strictly. "If you took care of yourself, then you'd be dead by Day 2." Moondrop said as he tossed me a can of tuna from his storage compartment. I looked around to see where we were. It seemed we were in a forest. There was a sign nearby that read "Herbert Hoover." "Not this place!" I yelled out. "What's wrong with this place?" Sundrop asked. "Nothing. Just the fact that it was the WORST field trip I've gone on." I crossed my arms in annoyance. 

A/N: Based off a true story, I literally just went on a field trip to a place that sucked ass.

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