Night 2 - The Kidnapping

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                 I don't remember much of what happened, but all I know is that the night guards caught us. But unlike the rumors, we didn't go missing. There were just a bunch of cuts all over our bodies, but they were abnormal. I can't explain how they felt weird, but it looked something like stitches. My head was pounding. Kira was awake, but Killian and Ivy were out. "What happened to us?" I asked. "That's what I'm trying to figure out. I don't know where we are, but we're close to the school." Kira replied. "If we can find a way to get out of here, we can tell the police." "Ha! Like what are they going to do? Arrest some killer robots who totally did not try to kill us just now? Be so for real!" We looked over to the side to see Killian. "I think Ivy died." She joked. "We all know she's a deep sleeper, so if she's out, I don't even know." "Bro, are you okay? You're frickin bleeding, FROM YOUR HEAD!" Kira yelled. Killian touched her head, looked at the blood on her hands, and replied "Oh, I am," and wiped off the blood, even though it came back. I looked over to Ivy, who was still asleep. I then scanned the room, and noticed there were a bunch of bags in one of the corners. I crawled over, or I tried to. There was a sharp pain near a cut on the side of my stomach. "Where the heck did we get these cuts?" It didn't make any sense. Nothing that I know could make these cuts. I looked around for any clues. I saw nothing, just a small, beige room with a pile of bags in the corner that I can't even get to. That's when I heard it.

                 A faint, but creepy beeping coming from the bags. "A bomb?!" Killian yelled. "I'm only 1,784! I'm way too young!" "Then why don't you do something instead of sitting around waiting for Ivy to wake up?" Kira questioned. "Bite me." Killian complained, as she rolled her eyes and went over to the bags. "What the actual-?!" She yelled as she opened one of the bags. "There's nothing but robot body parts in here!" She turned around. I noticed something on her head as she turned. "Hey, Kila (my nickname to Killian). Come here." She came over, and I pushed her short, white hair to the side. There was a chip-like thing in her skin. I looked in shock. I was still on the floor, but I wanted to help. "This might hurt." I touched the chip, and ripped it out. "Ow, what the f*ck?! What is your problem, [Y/N]?!" She yelled. I shoved the chip into her face. "Who knows what this can do to you?" I noticed Kira, meditating near Ivy. I didn't know she meditates under pressure. She mumbled something in Elvish. "The exit's there." She pointed to the wall. Killian laughed. "That's a wall, if you're blind." Kira limped over to the wall, and started touching it all over. Killian leaned against the same wall and fell through. "There's our exit." Kira pointed to where Killian fell through. Kira ran back, grabbed Sleeping Beauty, and ran through the wall. I just crawled, but then was picked up by Killian. "Y'know, you're slow, [Y/N]." She was holding me like I was some princess. I noticed she wasn't making any eye contact. We walked through the wall, and she dropped me. "God, you're heavy, [Y/N]." "Hey! At least I'm not old!" I tried to stand, and I did, even though it hurt so much. We were in some sort of facility. I looked around, and heard a voice behind me in that beige room. "Did those students seriously leave us here?" I ran back in. "Where are you, person I don't know? I'll help you!" I felt a chill down my spine. Then I felt hands on my waist. "Get your hands off me!" There was nothing there when I turned around. I looked behind me, and a boy appeared. He had short, choppy, black hair with really cute amber eyes. He was slightly shorter than me, maybe around 5 '2, and wore some white weird ofuda-looking thing on his cheek. His clothes consisted of a gakuran. "I've been looking for the exit for a while now." I looked back towards the exit and saw another boy identical to the boy in front of me. He looked exactly like the other boy, except that he wore the same ofuda, but black, on the other cheek. This boy also wore a Hakama, and had the same amber eyes and choppy, black hair. "Uh, I have somewhere to be, but you can just follow me, the both of you." I limped out of the room, and the two boys followed. My friends weren't there, and knowing them, they probably left me, or are waiting for me outside. I was in so much pain, but just ran down the steps. Surprisingly, the facility was empty. I reached outside, and the two boys behind me just hovered down. 

                 "How dare you leave me!" I complained as I exited the building. "'Cause like I said, you're slow." Killian said. I noticed Kira talking to someone. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty? Finally woke up?" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah. Who are the two cute boys behind you?" Ivy ran over to me. "Oh, this is--" "Hanako, and this is my brother, Tsukasa," the boy with the white ofuda. I switched between the two to see the difference. So, in conclusion, the boy with the white ofuda on his cheek and the gakuran was Hanako, and the boy with the black ofuda and the hakama was Tsukasa. "Yeah, this is Hanako and Tsukasa," I repeated. I looked up into the sky. "Dang, it's dark." My phone then started buzzing. I took it out and saw a message. "Hey guys, are you seeing this?" It was the emergency broadcast system. It was saying to seek shelter as soon as possible. I looked up to see where we were. "We should follow what the EBS says." Hanako said. "I know! My house is the closest, so we should go there!" Ivy said. "Good idea. So can you teleport us there?" I said back. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kira replied. She snapped her fingers and we were teleported to Ivy's house. Her house was so pretty, and it was spacious. "Honey! I was worried sick! Where have you been? What are all these cuts on you? Who are those boys? Your boyfriends?" Ivy's mother came running in. "I'm fine, mom. Do you have extra blankets and pillows and stuff like that? My friends are gonna stay over because of the EBS." "Of course, of course! Make yourselves at home, okay?" Ivy's mother exited the room. "I only have space for--hey, where did one of the short boys go? The one with the black ofuda?" I looked around, and realized Tsukasa was missing. "Oh, he does that. Tsukasa doesn't like to sleep, so he just disappears. He probably went back to my house. Mama's boy, I tell you." Hanako assured. "Anyways, I only have space for 2 people in my room. Yeah, it's a small room." Ivy repeated. "I got separation anxiety. I'm sleeping with Ivy, thank you." Killian walked over to Ivy. "I have reasons. Sorry, [N/N]." Kira apologized and walked over to Killian and Ivy. That left me and Hanako. "Night, guys." Killian said as the three of them skipped over to Ivy's bedroom. "Oh, and the guest room is that way." Ivy pointed to the door next to the bathroom. I groaned and walked over to the guest room, Hanako following me. 

A/N: I'mm start posting more often, maybe Saturdays and Wednesdays. Guess what! My sleep schedule is ruined. Mainly cause of my insomia (which I sorta have) but also my bdetime is at 2 am, and I wake up at 5 for some reason. Enought about me, I finished writing the rough draft, so I can finally get some sleep (i guess). Let's just ignore that fact I got 43 question math packet to do, but I;m on #7 (I skipped 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) :> ALOS I HAVE OVER 1,400 WORKDS GOD DAMN. Welp, its 1;30 where I am, so gn.

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