Night 10 - The Start of a War

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                I heard a scream from outside. I knew it was my job to watch the Daycare, but I had to go see what happened. I rushed out and saw a Night Guard, outside the campus again. What was it doing? I heard the scream again, followed by a "Please!" It sounded like a grown woman, but I still rushed around. After a few minutes, I saw it. The corpse of a dead person, just lying there in the alleyway. I gagged at how gruesome the death was, and I felt sorry. I grabbed a flower and placed it on top of the corpse. I then heard heavy stomping. I knew it was a bad idea, but I ran quickly out of the alleyway and back into the campus. I ran back to the Daycare. What have I just seen? Who would do such a thing?! I slumped down as all these thoughts rushed through my head. I cried at how much things were not okay. 

                 "[Y/N] [L/N]. Born February 15, 2993 (A/N: Please. Don't ask about the birthday, it's mine). Current Occupation: Student and Daycare Night Patrol." I looked up to see Sundrop with his happy smile. "Sunny Bunny..!" I said through tears. I wanted him to remember me. I'm no animatronic reader, but I think that's when the realization hit him. I was the kid he used to love being around, before I disappeared from the Daycare one day and never came back, until yesterday. "Is that you, [Y/N]?" Sun asked as he cocked his head to the side. "Yes! Remember the sticky chalk we used to make? Remember that story you were telling me, but couldn't complete? That little girl was all me." I smiled, for the first time that day. 

                 "[Y/N]!" He said in his voice. But although it sounded normally robotic, it sounded like something a human would say. "Why are you crying? Who did what to you?!" He sat down with me. "Keitai o watashite.." He said. "Sorry, Sunny, but I don't speak Chinese." "No, silly! It's Japanese. Can you give me your phone?" He laughed, in a cute way (What the fuck did I write.). How could I say no? I handed my phone, and he brought a chip that appeared out of nowhere. He told me to watch the video that was on my screen when he gave it back. I don't know why, but my first day on the job was weird. I felt closer to an animatronic than my own blood line. But, oh. The video was horrible to watch. Here, I'm a nice person, so I'll summarize it for you. 

                 "What? Are you saying that some virus affected all animatronics, and now they want to have revenge on the world? Why? Were you affected?" I blurted out halfway through the video. "Sadly, yes. I wasn't affected, but my buddy, Moondrop, was. Have you noticed how he tried to hurt you?" "How could I not know, Sunny? He was the one who gave me this scratch!" I yelled out. "Shh! Quiet down, or they'll find you!" Sundrop covered my mouth. "Who'll find me?" I mumbled through his hands. "The Night Guards. I checked their database, and they don't have you as the Daycare Night Patrol, yet." He picked me up in his arms and went up to a balcony above the ball pit pool. Behind the curtain was a small, cramped room. It looked like the whole place was falling apart. Many pictures hung up on the walls, pretty bad ones, in my opinion. Many of the pictures littered over the floors. The room was so tiny, the 7-feet tall animatronic had to crawl to move around. "Is this your...home?" I didn't even know if you could call this a home. "Yeah, it's my home. It's not much, but I still have the Daycare!" I loved how enthusiastic he was even though he lived like this. Wait, what am I thinking? He's an animatronic! "Listen, with the little information I received from Moondrop, all the animatronics will be coded to release into the world at--" He stopped. He was looking down at my phone. I looked down as well when my phone started to buzz loudly. It was the Emergency Broadcast System, again. News popped up all over my phone. I clicked on one of them. 

                 It stated "THE WORLD IS ENDING! OUR CLOSE ANIMATRONICS HAVE BETRAYED US AND ARE KILLING ALL LIVING THINGS! RUN AND HIDE!" My eyes widened. I scurried back to the video. I apparently missed the part where it said "this apocalypse will commence on Thursday, February 1, 3008, at exactly 21:47." I knew it all then. The death of that poor lady, Moondrop going crazy, Suzie Snacktime trying to kill me. Those all added up to this. I tried to text my friends, but there was no internet. This was all planned, but by who? "Sun! We have to find my friends!" I pleaded. "I'm sorry, but I am programmed to stay in the Daycare. I can't leave." Sundrop sounded....sad. So that's it? Our world just plunders into a robot-apocalypse? I looked through my phone, only to find that apps that didn't use the internet, and the news were the only things that worked. I felt like I was trapped, even though I could leave at any time. I was scared. I was cold. Sundrop hopped over and got something. He covered my shivering body with a blanket. "I would say the best choice is to gather food and stuff while supplies still last. I don't eat, but you do. So, we'll need to get LOTS A food!" I didn't get it. How was he happy? "So you and Moondrop will take care of me?" I asked him, avoiding eye contact. "Of course! We'll try to adjust to your needs. Don't worry, [Y/N]. The other animatronics can't get you when those doors are closed. Only me and Moony can open them!" He said, with a smile as he handed me a piece of candy. "Yeah, [Y/N]. There is nothing to be scared of. You're safe with us." Moon said. He sounded like a voice recording. Technically, Moon and Sun were one animatronic, but they're two separate people. 

                "Y'know, I've always wondered what it's like to be free?" Sun pondered. "I love Moony, but they can go a little overboard sometimes. It would be nice having another separate attendant." "Hey Sunny, how are you always so happy?" I asked. The words just came out of my mouth. "Me? Oh...I just think of all the fun that I'm going to have with the kids, and that's what motivates me. But now, I can't...see" His voice started breaking up. I hugged him, and I meant it. "You're not alone, Sunny Bunny. You have Gloomy Moony and me." Moon started laughing. "I remember you used to call me that!" "And I still do!" I smiled, and it was genuine. It was the first time in a while I've smiled and actually been happy. I felt at home in the Daycare. But I was scared. Was my father okay? Were my friends okay? Was everything okay? No, it wasn't.

A/N: HELP I WROTE THIS SHIT WHEN I WAS 14. I'm currently 16 I hated my old writing style, but we still got 7 more chapters to go. What the fucking type of nicknames are "Sunny Bunny" and "Gloomy Moony"? IK they suit them, but 14 year old me could not think of any better name? Okrr, I'ma go now, so bye fellow weirdos :3

I just realized I misgendered Sundrop and Moondrop this entire time. I've been saying He/Him, when Sun-Moon's pronouns are They/Them. 14 year old me was so fucking retarded and stupid-

Just putting it there, 1297 words. 

The Eclipse [Sundrop/Moondrop x Female!Reader] (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now