Learn about me! (so you can know more about the author!)

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It's me, the author! My name is Ren, but I'm also know as Tari, Avery, and Nora and I prefer these nicknames more than my real one. Anygays, I was born in Germany, but raised in the USA. I was born on February 15, 2008, and I'm 16!

I love reading those Sun/Moon x Y/N stuff, mainly cause I have an obsession with Sundrop. So, I decided to write stories for others, even though English not my first language. I really hope you enjoy the books I make.

I'm a Demigirl. I'm alos Omnisexual and Polyamouros, and I have no bf/gf currently. I HATE BEING SINGLE AS F*CK! Yes I curse :> Anygays, I did have 3 exes before. One went missing irl, one found me annoying, and I broke up with the last one because I didn't like her. MY PRONOUNS ARE She/They/Them! (yes all three are alright for me, I have no preference.)

I have ADHD, so I might accidently go off script in the story, so just point it out, and DON'T BE RUDE ABOUT SH*T. I also have anxiety! Mainly social anxiety, but also anxiety in general (if that makes sense). I diagnosed myself with this sh*t cause I wanted to, and my parents just want good grades (which I somehoe have), ANYGAYS, I'M GERMAN, INDIAN, RUSSIAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, IRISH, FINNISH, JAPANESE (somehow), and American (ofc).

Here's a fun fact: I did not know how to read of write until I was 14, and I'm 16-

My favorite colors are black, white and green. My favorite food is bread (for some reason) and my favorite movie is the FNAF movie. I make YT vids (FOR FUN I SWEAR), but I'm not gonna tell you the chanel name. Dislikes include: Gatherings, rice, sweets, chocolates, hate, BEING SINGLER THAN AN ATOM, having no romantic relationships, and more.

I got phobias, but my main ones are failure, blood, needles, being watched, and the color red (reasons-). Anygays, if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask me.

A/N: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ME, ask me! I'm always happy to answer! Thank you for wasting you time while I rant about myself for a minute or so! I'm kidding! Have a good day/night!

Edited: April 4, 2024 at 10:22 PM

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